Welcome to my BYC page! I am the proud mother of 6 year old twin girls and married to a wonderful, loving and tolerant husband!! We live in Pueblo West, Colorado which is kind of like a suburb of Pueblo if that's what you want to call it. It's more like the desert if you ask me but I love it. Nothing but the sound of coyotes at night. We also have the absolute best neighbors!!
I have always wanted to live on a farm since I was a kid. I am living part of that dream now. We currently have 25 full grown hens, a full grown rooster, 2 no name bantees(1 hen, 1 rooster), 13 chicks and 19 in the incubator. We also have 4 rabbits and a pony named Dudley but we call him Fatboy or Fuzzybutt!!!! Oh I forget to mention the three dogs and one cat as well!!! We are looking into possibly getting a goat at the end of the summer. That will pretty much complete our farm until we can afford to buy the acre lot next to us or behind us!!!
We are big on recycling and all of our animal enclosures etc... are built almost entirely out of recycled or repurposed materials. All the lumber my husband brought home from his work at a major scrap company. They pull 2x4's that are virtually brand new out of rail cars and throw them out. Not when my husband "Sanford" is around. He loads them up and brings them home. He got all the tin for the roof from a friend and the windows I pulled out of an old car of my dad's that we were scrapping. The chicken wire and other fencing was scrounged as well. The only thing we actually paid for was some of the door hardware such as hinges and latches and the hardware cloth to keep the snakes out. We did use some screws that were left over from building our fence but all the nails we used were from a neighbor that was giving them away!!! My coop may look ghetto but I am pretty proud of it and thankful that my husband built it for me!
Here's my coop:
Our rabbit hutches sit right up against the coops. I one day would like to build a ramp from
them into the coops so they can go in there and run freely! Some day!
The left side of this now houses my EE's and my lone Cuckoo! The right side is still under
construction and will house all my new Marans that just came out the brooder. I have them
locked inside the inner coop right now till they get just a little bigger!
This part is still under construction.
I absolutely love going out to take care of my animals. While some people may consider it a chore to have to do all the things required I find it relaxing. I enjoy all my animals and love them all equally. I do have a chicken addiction and I flunked out of chicken math!!!
Here is some of my chickens but not all of them:
Currently this is my count:
5 White Leghorns, 2 Black Australops, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Partridge Rock, 1 RIR, 1 Buff, 1 Cuckoo, 2 Mutt bantams, and 7 EE's! I know that doesn't add up to 27 but I can't think who the other two are!!! That's bad huh? I have 11 Marans chicks and they are Blue and Black Copper and I think I got lucky enough to get a Splash as well!! I have two other small chicks that I have no clue what they are. I guess I will find out when they get bigger!! I have 19 eggs in the incubator (4 Maran/EE cross and 15 straight EE) and I am sure there will be more!!!!
Here is Dudley P. Fuzzybutt!!!
I hope you enjoyed visitng my page! Stop by anytime! Have a Blessed day!!!
I have always wanted to live on a farm since I was a kid. I am living part of that dream now. We currently have 25 full grown hens, a full grown rooster, 2 no name bantees(1 hen, 1 rooster), 13 chicks and 19 in the incubator. We also have 4 rabbits and a pony named Dudley but we call him Fatboy or Fuzzybutt!!!! Oh I forget to mention the three dogs and one cat as well!!! We are looking into possibly getting a goat at the end of the summer. That will pretty much complete our farm until we can afford to buy the acre lot next to us or behind us!!!
We are big on recycling and all of our animal enclosures etc... are built almost entirely out of recycled or repurposed materials. All the lumber my husband brought home from his work at a major scrap company. They pull 2x4's that are virtually brand new out of rail cars and throw them out. Not when my husband "Sanford" is around. He loads them up and brings them home. He got all the tin for the roof from a friend and the windows I pulled out of an old car of my dad's that we were scrapping. The chicken wire and other fencing was scrounged as well. The only thing we actually paid for was some of the door hardware such as hinges and latches and the hardware cloth to keep the snakes out. We did use some screws that were left over from building our fence but all the nails we used were from a neighbor that was giving them away!!! My coop may look ghetto but I am pretty proud of it and thankful that my husband built it for me!
Here's my coop:
Our rabbit hutches sit right up against the coops. I one day would like to build a ramp from
them into the coops so they can go in there and run freely! Some day!
The left side of this now houses my EE's and my lone Cuckoo! The right side is still under
construction and will house all my new Marans that just came out the brooder. I have them
locked inside the inner coop right now till they get just a little bigger!
This part is still under construction.
I absolutely love going out to take care of my animals. While some people may consider it a chore to have to do all the things required I find it relaxing. I enjoy all my animals and love them all equally. I do have a chicken addiction and I flunked out of chicken math!!!
Here is some of my chickens but not all of them:
Currently this is my count:
5 White Leghorns, 2 Black Australops, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Partridge Rock, 1 RIR, 1 Buff, 1 Cuckoo, 2 Mutt bantams, and 7 EE's! I know that doesn't add up to 27 but I can't think who the other two are!!! That's bad huh? I have 11 Marans chicks and they are Blue and Black Copper and I think I got lucky enough to get a Splash as well!! I have two other small chicks that I have no clue what they are. I guess I will find out when they get bigger!! I have 19 eggs in the incubator (4 Maran/EE cross and 15 straight EE) and I am sure there will be more!!!!
Here is Dudley P. Fuzzybutt!!!
I hope you enjoyed visitng my page! Stop by anytime! Have a Blessed day!!!