So, I started researching raising chickens in the fall of 2011. After a few years of "bird sitting" the neighbors chickens several times over the past few years, I decided I wanted to have my own chickens. But I wanted to make sure I would have time and enjoy raising them. Which of course, I do. So I first built this "temporary" coop against my shed. (approx 12'x16')(May 2012)
This is my grow-out/broody/quarantine tractor. You can see my broody "Whitie" modeling the nest box. (4'x4'x10')
(the lower left corner got flooded after 5.18" of rain in 24hrs)
My brooder box in my shed (3'x4')
I am collecting pallets to build an 8'x10' permanent coop. I will of course take and post pics as I progress with it. I will have enough pallets by 12/15/2012. Then I can start constructing it. Hopefully I will get it built before any snow falls.
Footprint for the LF Pallet Coop, and the big kids couldn't help but scratch in the fresh dirt.
So here is what I am working with, a little over 30 of these pallets
The following 3 are what I got done on day 1(about 5hrs, had to disassemble most of each pallet)
Got the rest of the walls done today, and 1/3 of the roof(2/16/13)
I think I am gonna put another 2X? under the top end to give it just that much more slope for rain drainage.
North side wall and roofline. Pallet will provide top ventilation.
2 of 5 plexiglass window in.
South side with pop-door cut out.
3 roosts. 46" high and 5' long, 18" between each one.
One step stoop for larger birds to get to roost/also good for juvenile birds to roost.
Milk crate nest boxes
Broody nest tub
Inside roof shot showing truss work and ventilation
More to come, but not until painted(May prolly). So check back

This is my grow-out/broody/quarantine tractor. You can see my broody "Whitie" modeling the nest box. (4'x4'x10')

My brooder box in my shed (3'x4')

I am collecting pallets to build an 8'x10' permanent coop. I will of course take and post pics as I progress with it. I will have enough pallets by 12/15/2012. Then I can start constructing it. Hopefully I will get it built before any snow falls.

Footprint for the LF Pallet Coop, and the big kids couldn't help but scratch in the fresh dirt.

So here is what I am working with, a little over 30 of these pallets

The following 3 are what I got done on day 1(about 5hrs, had to disassemble most of each pallet)

Got the rest of the walls done today, and 1/3 of the roof(2/16/13)

I think I am gonna put another 2X? under the top end to give it just that much more slope for rain drainage.
North side wall and roofline. Pallet will provide top ventilation.
2 of 5 plexiglass window in.
South side with pop-door cut out.
3 roosts. 46" high and 5' long, 18" between each one.
One step stoop for larger birds to get to roost/also good for juvenile birds to roost.
Milk crate nest boxes
Broody nest tub
Inside roof shot showing truss work and ventilation
More to come, but not until painted(May prolly). So check back