Hi everyone! If you happened to stumble upon this article then thanks! This article is about Pekin ducks and how to take care of them! Please have fun reading my short but informative article.
Pekin ducks are the worlds most well known duck. They need lots of attention and care. A lot of people buy ducks thinking it will be easy, it won’t!
Pekins need lots of care, attention and love.
Pekins need about 1 liter a day of water, and plenty of food, but not to much. Just enough so that they won’t go hungry.
Pic by @HappyDuckie
Pekin’s also need enough water that they can dip there eyes and nostrils in. Since they don’t have tear ducts they need to dip there eyes in CLEAN water so they can stay moist. If you don’t then you will see there eyes watering a lot because of how dry they are.
You will know if your Pekin needs more water if they seem very wobbly when walking around and taking a lot of breaks when walking. You should always have enough fresh drinking water.
Pekins should also have enough bathing water so they can stay clean. No one would like mud mixed with poop all over them. If you can’t provide a pool so they can swim in you should have a deep enough tray they can at least cover there feet so they can lay down and wash off the mud on there stomach. That’s one of the most common places you will see mud.
Pic by @HappyDuckie
Also, especially Pekins need a lot of room. If they are kept in an small area/coop they will become lazy, depressed, and fat.
A lot of Pekins can over eat also and gain weight. If they gain weight then they will have trouble walking and getting around which could cause them health problems and shorten there lifespan.
You want to make sure to give them enough food but not to much. Make sure they have plenty of healthy fruits and veggies that are good for them.
You can do research on what is good and what is bad for him or her.
Pekins also need lots of niacin because they are such big birds.
If your Pekin doesn’t have enough nician it will be pretty easy to tell. The bird will start becoming very lazy and possibly could develop a limp.
Pic by me
Also the Pekin will take a couple of steps and stop to rest because they won’t have very much energy.
Pekins, will also need another duck companion, as most ducks do. Pekins should be with it’s own kind, ducks. Some people just have one Pekin or Duck and is causes depression in some cases.
Pic by @HappyDuckie
Ducks like to socialize with other ducks. Especially ducks like Pekins! You should always be careful and check out your Pekin to make sure they don’t have any health problems suck as bumble foot (common in Pekins) and other health issues that are obvious to spot.
Pekins are also very playful ducks. You could for fun put some worms in there kiddy pool for them to go “fishing” for worms! You could also get water and throw in some healthy chopped up fruits for then to eat! It’s eating and drinking together!
Pic by @Quatie
An interesting thing about Pekins is something MOST people don’t expect. Pekin hens don’t usually go broody! They will lay eggs but MOST Pekins won’t hatch there own eggso if you want to breed your Pekin make sure you have an incubator ready just in case!
So please, make sure you take very well care of your Pekin and all of your ducks and follow my article.
Pic by @Quatie
Extra Pekin Pics: By Me
Pekin ducks are the worlds most well known duck. They need lots of attention and care. A lot of people buy ducks thinking it will be easy, it won’t!
Pekins need lots of care, attention and love.
Pekins need about 1 liter a day of water, and plenty of food, but not to much. Just enough so that they won’t go hungry.
Pic by @HappyDuckie
You will know if your Pekin needs more water if they seem very wobbly when walking around and taking a lot of breaks when walking. You should always have enough fresh drinking water.
Pekins should also have enough bathing water so they can stay clean. No one would like mud mixed with poop all over them. If you can’t provide a pool so they can swim in you should have a deep enough tray they can at least cover there feet so they can lay down and wash off the mud on there stomach. That’s one of the most common places you will see mud.
Pic by @HappyDuckie
Also, especially Pekins need a lot of room. If they are kept in an small area/coop they will become lazy, depressed, and fat.
A lot of Pekins can over eat also and gain weight. If they gain weight then they will have trouble walking and getting around which could cause them health problems and shorten there lifespan.
You want to make sure to give them enough food but not to much. Make sure they have plenty of healthy fruits and veggies that are good for them.
You can do research on what is good and what is bad for him or her.
Pekins also need lots of niacin because they are such big birds.
If your Pekin doesn’t have enough nician it will be pretty easy to tell. The bird will start becoming very lazy and possibly could develop a limp.
Pic by me
Also the Pekin will take a couple of steps and stop to rest because they won’t have very much energy.
Pekins, will also need another duck companion, as most ducks do. Pekins should be with it’s own kind, ducks. Some people just have one Pekin or Duck and is causes depression in some cases.
Pic by @HappyDuckie
Ducks like to socialize with other ducks. Especially ducks like Pekins! You should always be careful and check out your Pekin to make sure they don’t have any health problems suck as bumble foot (common in Pekins) and other health issues that are obvious to spot.
Pekins are also very playful ducks. You could for fun put some worms in there kiddy pool for them to go “fishing” for worms! You could also get water and throw in some healthy chopped up fruits for then to eat! It’s eating and drinking together!
An interesting thing about Pekins is something MOST people don’t expect. Pekin hens don’t usually go broody! They will lay eggs but MOST Pekins won’t hatch there own eggso if you want to breed your Pekin make sure you have an incubator ready just in case!
So please, make sure you take very well care of your Pekin and all of your ducks and follow my article.
Pic by @Quatie
Extra Pekin Pics: By Me