Homemade Suet Cake for Poultry!

Homemade Suet Cake For Poultry!.png

So, it's your favourite hen's birthday or she just laid her first egg. You want to celebrate by giving them a yummy treat that won't make them too fat and unhealthy. This easy suet cake recipe is great for your hen, or rooster's, special day!


A suet cake is just a block of suet mixed with some other ingredients, so if you're not a great cook, you should still be able to follow this recipe! Suet is used in both savoury and sweet puddings, such as steak & kidney pudding, and jam roly-poly. It is also used to make pastry, like dumplings, haggis, and Christmas pudding. Suet can come in many flavours, but any can be used to make a cake for chickens! This suet cake recipe is very changeable, so if you want to experiment with it or you are missing an ingredient, don't worry! This recipe is also not too unhealthy for your birds if given in moderation.
Remember that treats should only make up around 10% of a chicken's diet, and this cake is only meant to be served for a special event only once or twice a year.
Let's get making!


Here are the ingredients for this recipe, but as I said before, if you're missing something (unless it's the suet!) the recipe should still work! Also, the amounts can be changed too, this is just a guideline to make a few cakes!

  • 2 cups of any flavour of suet
  • ½ cup black oil sunflower seeds
  • 2 cups regular chicken feed
  • ¼ cup raisins or dry fruit cut up
  • ½ cup dried grubs (eg. mealworms or shrimp)
  • Peanut butter
httpsgoodearth.com.mtproductsvegetable-suet (900 × 350px) (900 × 300px).png


Here's the equipment you'll need to make the cake(s)! I'm sure some things can be replaced (eg. spatula into spoon) if you don't have them.

  • A silicon cake mould (any shape will work!)
  • A mixing bowl
  • A spatula
  • A plate or container to serve
httpsgoodearth.com.mtproductsvegetable-suet (900 × 350px) (900 × 300px) (1).png


Now that we have everything we need, we can make it!

1) Melt the suet until it is liquid
2) Move it to the mixing bowl and add all the ingredients, then stir it
3) Put the mixture into the moulds
4) Put the moulds in the fridge and wait until they harden
5) When they have hardened, remove them from the moulds
6) Spread the peanut butter on top like icing
7) Put them on the plate and serve to your birds


Thanks for reading! See the next page!
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I made this for my Christmas celebration for my chickens. Great idea and they loved it. I loved watching them eat it.
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What a great how to! Chickens love treats and yours is a good one.
Here are some things you should consider adding to help users following your recipe.

Define SUET and where to get, and what to use as a substitute. Many folks don't know it is the fat around the kidneys of cows and sheep. Most of us think of it as the bird suet and not the butcher byproduct. I use an airfryer to cook bacon and use the lard grease to make my bird suet as an inexpensive substitute.

An alternative to a silicone mold is to use any bowl or container and put a saran plastic wrap layer down first and then pour your mixture on top. You then use the wrap to pull it out of the container after it has cooled and set.
This is a well written article with a great idea, which was well realized. If I don't have suet I might use lard in its place, and less of it relative to the fruits, grains, insects and nuts when I try it.
Did you use a silicone mould? If you use a metal mould, do you need to dust it with flour or suchlike to ensure easy removal?
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Coconut oil should also work too.
I've only used silicone molds but I'm not a baker so I'd assume it's the same as what you'd do for cookies.


Great detailed and wonderful layout here! Instructions are very helpful and clearly you are a creative and good teacher, making use of photos along with the write up. Thanks also for the links to the kitchen tools…no kidding, I need all of them, especially the form piece.
Suet is so good for the local wild birds as well as the migratory ones so I wasn’t surprised to see the sweet flock following me around last winter, though not sure if it was ok for the chickens. It was a go after reading in a chicken-mama farm blog that her chickens also were loving the suet she made for wild birds. She liked hanging shapes in the run for the chickens’ entertainment!
I really could have benefited from your posted article back then.
I started making a round of treats, using any sized lined muffin tins allowing me to break or cut the pieces up as needed, (removing the paper, of course), and keep another day’s treats in the freezer. I use the 50/50 % unsalted peanut butter/solid,(melted) coconut oil, and it works very well. 2020 was the lockdown around the world so I was not shopping much, thus tried out different ways to mold the suet, making use of wire suet feeders lined w/ parchment paper then the plastic containers suet is sold in. Favorite was the discovered single cake pan in my cupboards, like your molds, that worked like a charm.
Has anyone used a blend w/ the organic chicken feed of cornmeal or plain ground instant oatmeal? I throw in some fresh or dried herbs from the garden. I would love any tips on the best herbs. Imogene pup, our Rat Terrier, loves suet also so she has her own recipe without sunflower seeds.
Best regards, stay well, and warm!❄️
p. s. photo of the wire suet feeder


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