Common egg quality problems

  • Author sumi
  • Publish date
  • Updated
  • Article read time 11 min read
Excellent article with great photographs of variations on eggs. Wish I seen this a few years ago. Over my time of raising chickens I think I’ve seen most of these. Very informative.
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Wow, this was great! Perfect timing. I've been going to check on here to see why my duck keeps dropping soft shelled eggs randomly throughout the week. I figured it was calcium deficiency, and she eats a ton of oyster shell, so it was good info to get all this (and other problems I never knew existed!) I have to parse out their food in small doses throughout the day because the rats are non-stop eating their food. So I don't know if that makes a difference. My other girl laid a couple "boobie eggs" a few days ago. They looked fine except they had a bit of a blob of calcium at the end.

Thank you again for this help!
Muddypaw 🐾
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Very informative thank you!!
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Wow I didn't even know there were all these types of egg issues @-@
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Very helpful. Answered a lot questions and I have been referring customers to your website. People ask me a lot of questions.
Thank you
This was right on time, for me. I had a girl lay a "rooster egg" 2 days ago. Never seen them... Ever. I really took in a lot from this, and learned how much eggs can tell you about health. Thanks for sharing!
Good article. Very concise but thorough. It helped me with my hens that had soft eggs at the beginning of laying.
I currently have a flock that has lost a couple hens and a separate flock of guineas lost two…. within the the same yard... so, everyone has been stressed, and on high alert cramming inside one coop instead of roosting in two coops…. I have seen some of calcification rings on a couple eggs, less production, but unsure as to the specifics on how I might improve their diets. I also have a hen who was attacked and is recovering in a crate in the garage and doing really with it, continuous to lay her eggs even, but has lost a considerable amount of weight and I’m very concerned for her well-being.
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Great article and very helpful but it would help to have solutions to the problems.
Great guide. Regarding meat spots... no way of mitigating them or reducing them?? Wish there was something about that.
Very informative. Thank you for a very useful article 👍
Thank you! I point people to this all the time.
Very informative- have had strange-looking eggs and wondered why, this perfectly explains it
Very informative. i didn’t know these problems could arise.
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Fantastic article! So informative. The video was terrific and a great addition to your article.
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Very helpful! Thank you for this article!
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Thanks for the article. I've always wondered about some of these strange eggs.
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Great article . Answered alot of questions
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Excellent article and video. Thank you for posting.
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Thank you so much for the information I needed to find out
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