Common egg quality problems

  • Author sumi
  • Publish date
  • Updated
  • Article read time 11 min read
Love all the info and pictures in this article and all the folks, especially newbies, it has helped.
Excellent article. Very educational.
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Reactions: Bonniebooboo
I'm so glad y'all have these articles they are very helpful ♥️
Excellent article and pictures!
Thank you! Your article was helpful, especially because the pictures were very clear. It was easy to see the ones that looked like eggs our girls have laid and then understand the possible reasons why.
Very informative! Loved the pictures!
This explained so many things to me, including fart eggs (my duck laid one and I was so confused about what was going on)
Very helpful in identifying different eggs, some I have had in the past some I've never seen before 🐔.
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Reactions: Bonniebooboo
Informative and helpful.I have posted this in multiple threads where someone had a weird egg.
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Thank you for this in-depth and well-illustrated article! I've been going nuts trying to find out why one of my young hens started laying shell-less eggs regularly while all the others (same age) are laying just fine. They are all getting plenty of calcium and D3 in their rations and oyster/eggshell supplement dish. This makes me suspect it's because some are starting their first molt so it's probably one of those girls. Lots of great info and references here, thank you so much!
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Reactions: Bonniebooboo
Thanks for going so in depth with it! The pictures where really helpful and the video was also very informative to watch
Thank you, I will remember this. As a newbie I didn't know most of these! I appreciate this article!:thumbsup
This was very informative, I appreciate the time you took to make such. I’ve learned a lot from this as I handle eggs everyday I notice these problems , that bit of clarification is reall gonna be a game changer for me
Very interesting information!
Such a good article!! Thank you!!!
Wow, so many types of eggs & info explaining why they may look a certain way. Thank you for photos, too. 👍
Well developed article with great info. Thank you!
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Reactions: Bonniebooboo
This was a great article. The pictures were so helpful with the descriptions!
This was great info, especially the video of the egg laying process. Thank you!
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