Hatching chicks under Broody hen at home

The image in this article doesn't work. This article doesn't give a lot of details on hatching with a broody and doesn't have any pictures to show what should be done either. I think adding more information and pictures would better help those interested in hatching chicks under their broodies.
the article needs more details and pictures.

There is a broken link in the article to an attachment.
I found this encouraging and informative. It made things simple but specific.. eg the box in the coop after chicks hatch. I have a broody hen right now for the first time and am wondering how to deal with her and the chicks when they hatch.
You're off to a good start, but this article needs more details.
A good start, but could definitely use more details and photos
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This article needs more info - suggestions would be talking about how long it takes the eggs to hatch, whether or not to move a broody hen or leave her in the flock and the pros and cons of each, how to mark eggs to make sure she doesn't end up with a bunch of eggs of different stages of development under her, etc. It also would be good to add some pictures.
Chickens of the century
Chickens of the century
okay, thanks for the advice!
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