My Coop: Green House Turned Chicken House

You sure get us thinking about what things we could use to make something better for our coop! Very ingenious ideas! I cringe at the chicken wire though. I'd suggest sometime trying to get some 1/2" hardware cloth, burying about a foot of it, and going around your run to help keep varments out. Chicken wire is known to only keep chickens in, not varments out.
I love the repurposing of old structures to make chicken coops :) I would suggest going with something other than chicken wire, just because it does not keep predators out - they can go right through it.
Love re purposed things
Good ideas
A good example of reusing materials to make a coop!
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What a great idea! I definitely think the fan is a good plan, if only to avoid having "instant roast chicken" this summer. When you build your run, be sure to use hardware cloth instead of chicken wire, though. Chicken wire only keeps chickens in. It does NOT keep predators out!
I really like the idea of a converted greenhouse. Please post pics when you can. I can't wait to see them!
pictures are posted.
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