Chicken Breed Info:
Breed Purpose:
Dual Purpose
Comb: Single
Broodiness: Average
Climate Tolerance: Heat

General Egg Info:
Egg Productivity:
Egg Size: Large
Egg Color: Brown

Breed Temperament:
Aggressive,Friendly,Not bear confinementwell,Flighty,Easily handled

Breed Colors / Varieties:
ranges from slighty lighter than RIR to light red. Single comb and yellow legs. Sun can lighten their red color.
Breed Details:
Their feathers can be brittle and don't do well in extremly cold temps. They can be aggressive but mine are very sweet. Some say they do not due well in cage confinement.I have mine in a run with other hens and they do very well. They lay a brown egg starting around 4-6 months. If you want alot of eggs, production reds are the chicken for you! I am not sure how broody they get since mine are young. The RIR seldom goes broody and the NR is an excellent mother so i would guess you have a 50/50 chance on getting a good mother, lol. Some hatcheries also call them red star's. Production reds can be used to make red and black sex links. Almost every RIR bought at a feed store is usually a production red or red sex link. I learned this by funally purchasing a RIR from a breeder. Their colors are very different. Hens weigh 5.5lbs and males 6.5lbs




