Prolapsed cloaca treatment, 3 week old chick

Good article. Insert the pictures and I will re-rate five stars. If you need help inserting the pictures, let me know.
Thank you. I’ll try to insert pics soon. Ginger is 20wks old now, looking fabulous. Fully functional cloaca. I feel for folks who don’t know how to do home treatments and may lose good hens/avians because they didn’t understand what was going on, or there was no vet available, or too costly to treat.
I’m raising a lovely sage gem with dislocated beak (scissors beak) pullet currently (she would have been otherwise culled), she’s one of the smartest hens I’ve had experience with, a fighter and adapter. Will to live!
A good article walking you through treatment of a prolapsed vent in chicks.

As others have said, adding the pictures to the body of the article would be very helpful! To do so, click on "Edit Article" and it will show you your pictures. Each picture has a little "Insert" button on it. You can put your cursor in the article where you'd like the picture to be, then click that "Insert" button on the photo you want to put there, and it will be inserted.
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Thank you so much for your support and detailed info how to insert pics! Rly appreciate it. I will try to find time soon, busy season with school starting back. I do need to learn how to be better with technology! I love this website! I used backyardchickens as reference before I retired from poultry science many years ago, it was in its infancy, like pure reference. Just great info! I encourage other chicken owners to follow as well. It’s important to provide help for those in need, especially when they are new avian owners! TY! ❤️
In lieu of inserting the photos in the text, you might just link them or reference them as images in the gallery instead. I do not feel it makes a lot of difference one way or the other, this is still an informative piece. Thanks for sharing.
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Thanks for your message, and positive feedback. honestly i just wanted to get it posted while it was fresh on my mind & current; thankful Ginger’s treatment was successful since she was so tiny.

When I add photos they automatically go into ‘gallery’, it’s been that way for years. I did try to add them separately but they just all went to gallery; figured that was how this website is set up so admin can look at and approve pics.

I’ve both written & read plenty of research articles that include zero pics or have a separate insert area for charts or photos referenced in the article. The goal is to help others and get the info out there. ❤️
Definitely insert the photos inside the article as opposed to leaving them in the gallery! Glad Ginger is doing well now.
The article refers to photos that are missing!

The article would get more stars when the pictures are added.
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Please click on ‘gallery’ tab at the top of the page to view the photos that I’ve referred to. They are in order from day 1 of prolapse until day 11. Thx
This is thorough and helpful, but needs photos to show what a prolapsed cloaca looks like and progression of improvement.

You could also add an itemized list somewhere to make it easier for someone who may need to purchase the things needed, such as vaseline, Epsom salts, etc.

If you have links to outside or other sources regarding prolapsed cloaca's, those can be helpful too and can be pasted in.

I'll change my rating once you get this spruced up!

It's incomplete if we have to click elsewhere as we're reading along. The photos should go with what you're saying. Just insert them before or after each paragraph or subject.
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The photos are in the gallery including the prolapsed cloaca the day it happened. Not sure why you can’t view them.
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