Raising Roosters to be Family-Friendly

I appreciated the fresh perspective on cuddling them -and that we are so much bigger than them. I absolutely love roosters. Their boldness and curiosity as chicks, their protectiveness, their leadership and their shy romantic attempts. I now have 2 and the first is just starting to crow so I have seperated them with hens. I think I am pretty confident, have read a lot on handling them- and now, we will see. Most of the above I already do, but they aren't molly coddled in the lap, anymore. I like the idea for next time!! Mine were also hen raised and then handled a lot. I feel that's important as mother hen teaches them manners to the ladies. 😉
Thank you for this. I’ve been impressed with my first rooster’s protective qualities and even though I don’t want a rooster, the alternatives just aren’t very good. I’ve lost several to hawks. Would a rooster be a helpful deterrent?
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Good article on a gentler way to handle roosters. I'm determined to keep a rooster with my flock this time, after years and years of halfhearted attempts which inevitably went wrong. It's me. I'm the problem. That much is obvious. So I'm studying up, and I appreciate your viewpoint.
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