The Anatomy and Physiology of the Chicken

Thank you for this! It’s really helpful. Our first girls were RIRs and it was much easier for me to identify certain parts of their anatomy than it is for me to identify things on our two new Ameraucanas. They are just so different-looking! Your diagram really helped! It was better than ones I could find when I searched for chicken diagrams on the internet. Now I think I know what I’m looking at on my Ameraucana ladies!
Fantastic article! Thank you for taking the time to lay this information out.
This is so comprehensive! It really deepens my understanding of the chicken.
:wee:weedetailed article and i need much more time to read it and learn from it. wonderful!
Very interesting, i learnt a lot
I love learning about chickens. The diagrams are excellent and I would highly recommend this article to thise who are new to poultry keeping. Well done!
Definitely one of my favorite articles!
This is a very interesting and informative article!
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Very informative and well written! Definitely one to bookmark.
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Very good and well supported article!
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Reactions: BlueHorse17
Awesome article that makes it easy to understand how and why chickens are put together. I had no idea of how their various body systems work, but this breaks it all down. Thanks so much for all your hard work!
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Reactions: Goshenga and Cyprus
Abridged avian anatomy and basic poultry physiology for dummies.
Terrific article!
Thank you for this reader friendly guide❤️
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Reactions: Cyprus
Very informative, well written & illustrated. Now to figure how to save it so I can find this later :fl
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Bookmark on your browser :)
Enjoyed reading this article- as for it helped me learn more than I knew yesterday and it had very informative diagrams. Thank you for sharing! Very nicely written! :)
Detailed yet easy to understand. Very helpful for anyone new to chickens. Thank you for taking the time to put it together.
Outstanding! The most thorough info I’ve read, without getting lost. Really well written, and easy to understand. Great job!
Thank you for this! Very informative with helpful pictures. Very well written by the author.
Short, precise and to the point! Thank you very much for writing it up.
I've learned something new today!
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