The Automatic string door I never wanted to make but Now I love.

I've seen so many homemade incubators but this is the first homemade chicken door I've seen. Wow, this is cool! I'm going to show this to my hubby as he's an electrician and would understand more of it than I would and perhaps he could build us one! Thank you for all the links!
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You are welcome and thank you very much. I am putting up the wiring diagrams this weekend.
Good article!
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Thank you.
Great article. A wiring diagram will be a great add when you can get to it.
Thank you for your interest and review.

Pictorial, diagrams and videos will be added when I take it apart to add the DIY limit switches, cut the door and paint it. Of course I wasn't putting a rush on it, unless there was more interest. So far there hasn't been much.

Plus this is a door that I never intended to make or use. I sure do love it tho, a lot. I have it here next to my desk and every hour it runs an up and down cycle. I even click the remote, up and down for stress relief and when I get stuck on figuring out other circuits and ways to do things. After I finish it, I was just gonna give it away to the first person that wanted a coop door here locally. Probably will post it up on the local feed store. After all I have 6 other built door designs just laying here. It's a hobby.

Like this one that is going to be my main door. This one too needs to be painted.

I will be taking it off the back burner.

I will make a diagram soon. If you like I can taylor make one for your materials you have.

I have to admit it is a bit complicated. For 3 reasons.

1. I wanted it to be slow down and fast up. The motor is a bit fast so it needs a Motor speed control. If you plan on using the same motor the complexity can be bought down a lot by using only one speed.

2. I wanted to use the least amount of power when off. So that too adds to it. But if you are ok with the same speed that too will bring down the complexity. and it can still be using less power.

3. The lower limits. I used what I had on hand, and that meant using inductive proximity sensors, which required the use of a relay module. But the new DIY limits switches can take the full current of the motor so the relay module won't be needed. This is the hardest part, is making or implementing the lower limits.

So if you want to make this, again let me know if you want to build it with this motor (like i did) or if you already have a motor that is slower. PM me or leave a comment, where we can have a more interactive conversation.

Either way I will be making diagrams from what it is now to more simple.

Thanks for reviewing.

As I was writing this I decided to go ahead and diagram the most simple way. The diagram is done, but I need to go over it with a fine tooth comb before I post. Check in a few days.
Very nice auto door! I like the video showing it in action. If you could add a guide and pictures about how you made it, so others could follow along, that would be awesome.
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"Very nice auto door! I like the video showing it in action."
Thank you!

Pictorial, diagrams and videos will be added when I take it apart to add the DIY limit switches, cut the door and paint it. Of course I wasn't putting a rush on it, unless there was more interest. So far there hasn't been much.

Plus this is a door that I never intended to make or use. I sure do love it tho, a lot. I have it here next to my desk and every hour it runs an up and down cycle. I even click the remote, up and down for stress relief and when I get stuck on figuring out other circuits and ways to do things. After I finish it, I was just gonna give it away to the first person that wanted a coop door here locally. Probably will post it up on the local feed store. After all I have 6 other built door designs just laying here. It's a hobby.

Like this one that is going to be my main door. This one too needs to be painted.

Thanks for reviewing.
Very informative page, good read!
Thank you!
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