Vent Gleet aka Nasty Chicken Butt

Very helpful and knowledgeable one of the best pages that I have read about vent gleet 👍🏻
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Very informative, a play by play on what to do.
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Adding to say that applying an antifungal cream after cleaning the vent area can be helpful. Search other threads for terms “Monistat” or “athlete’s foot cream.” Also, be sure to use a plastic waterer when adding apple cider vinegar (ACV) to drinking wayer; the metal can react with acidic ACV and poison birds. I’ve read that some people gently flush vent with sterile saline solution as part of the cleaning process, but I haven’t tried this myself. Thanks for the tips!
Excellent help. Thank you!!
Explained clearly what is going on with my hen.
Wow! Thorough useful information with ingredients are easy to find and use.
Very helpful and informative article. The illustrations were clear and well placed also. Thank you.
Informative article. I keep all these items in my First Aid kit, in case.
Very helpful! Thank you
This article gives a clear description and photos of the condition, and how to treat it.
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This was a great article! Thanks for sharing!
I like the lay out and the photos. Well, I don't actually like all the photos, eew, but you know what i mean!
I would only add that in addition to the daily soaks and cleaning, that should be followed up with an antifungal ointment to speed recovery.
I haven't researched this but would converting the chickens diet over to fermented also be a preventive method?
The article is sound advice. Thank you for sharing it.
Article could be updated to reflect research on ACV effectiveness.

Using anti fungal medicine too
Informative article that’s well written. Good description’s and overall good read.
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Thank you for the insight. I had never heard of this before.
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