My girls started molting a few weeks ago. Everyday it looks like someone got mammed in the coop but it’s just feather loss. So thankful to hear the tips to help and details to how it proceeds.
This was an excellent, well laid out article chock full of useful info, helped answer several of my questions. Awesome source of what a molt is and entails.
As a few others have mentioned, I am a newbie and didn't know very much about the molting process. Although I have read up on the matter, the information wasn't exactly as concise and thorough as your article. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to put this article really outlined specific information and guidelines that I know will come in handy soon.
As another member mentioned, I too would love more pictures of the molts in the process so that I can study the features and it would be great to link the "Molt Muffin" recipe as well.
Great read. So thankful all my birds are slow molter's. I have never noticed any of them looking bare.
I had one I thought was molting. Looked scary. Then I found out it was from sexual abuse by my neighbor's duck. Shortly after foxes got him Ruby started looking like herself again.
This is my first year to have a little flock of chickens and I’m loving it! I appreciate all the great information I have found on BYC. I like being knowledgeable and prepared for the different stages of my girls’ lives so I can help them through any hard times. Thank you for the great articles, forums, and pictures. My girls are happy, healthy, productive, and sweet because you help make me a great chicken mom!
great article for me as a new chicken owner. So much info here I didn’t know .. will be going back to re-read and take notes. My girls are 15 weeks so I’m expecting to see a molt before long.