Packaging eggs for shipping. PICS


Just Me!
14 Years
Aug 29, 2008
Hogansville, Georgia
I received my silkie eggs from Tammy today and I thought I'd show everyone what a perfect packing job she did. It was wonderful!

see how well marked!

opening it and praying the P.O. was gentle

each little egg wrapped seperately in bubble wrap

8 wonderful noncracked and unbroken little silkie eggs

The bator all fired up (Ms. Prissy's plans)

if you looked at the bator pic you might see the second bator sitting on my kitchen counter with 4 little eggs (BBR and bantam cochins) all due next wednesday


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Thank you this is my first attempt at hatching and I have the bug big time! I really want to try duck eggs but my DH is having a fit, He already wants to know what I'm going to do with these when they hatch, our coop is a little small and I already have 6 hens and a roo. I told him I was taking over the shed
and he should be glad I dont have the amount that some of you have
I have a quick question about your hatch date on your note pad. It says you set the eggs on 2/15 and that they should hatch on 3/12 or 3/13.

Am I counting wrong, or is this a little longer than normal? I set mine on Saturday 2-14, and am eggspecting to hatch out this Saturday or Sunday.

I am counting that this is day 18 for me and am planning on taking them out of the turner later today. Good luck on your hatch.
Thank you chickentenders I owe you BIG TIME! When I flipped the calander I didnt count the 28th of Feb to the 1st of March and then I didnt count the 24 hours for the 7th to the 8th. Mind you I counted on my calander three differnt times to get the date right UHHHGG! Thank you sooo much for catching that! I called my DH and told him to get the humidity up and not to turn the eggs. Hopefully I'll have babies in the next few days!

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