Does anyone know what this might be? I have 5 week old cornish rocks that are showing occasional droppings with small globs of reddish brown mucus(?). It is very thick and translucent. I have them vaccinated against cocci and have not fed medicated feed as directed. I moved them outside last Saturday and penned them on the ground and add straw bedding as it dirties. Out of 35 birds, I have found only a few droppings like this daily over the past couple of days. Occasionally there may be a runny dropping, but I've seen that before in past flocks, and in this flock from early on. The majority of droppings are normal. None of the birds look listless or droopy. I have not seen any worm segments either. All are eating well and seem to be gaining weight appropriately right now, but I am afraid this will be a problem. Should I go ahead and deworm just in case? We are getting close to processing time, but I guess I will hold them a little longer if need be. If anyone has seen this before, I appreciate any input you can give.