Cornish Rock Chicks.


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 15, 2009
I got 6 cornish rock chicks from TSC. I plan on keeping them as pets. I got 3 brown and 3 yellow. The yellow are growing alot faster than the brown. Also, how can you tell the gender at a young age? For any other breed of bird I have I tie anything metal on to a 6 inch string and see if it swings or circles. Will that work for chickens? Also, At what age are they usually full grown? And one last question.. How many eggs do they lay / month, and when do they start laying (what age?)?
Cornish X make terrible pets. They are bred for meat. Period. They will usually start dying after about 12 weeks or so. Occasionally they may live a year. They just keel over from heart problems or whatever.
My Cornish X's from TSC were all white (that real light yellow color) are you sure they are actually cornish instead of Golden Comets which TSC also sells? They are notorious for mislabeling their chicks.

If they are Comets the darker ones would be girls and the lighter ones would be boys.

Here is a picture of my week old Cornish X

And here are my few day old comets, the girls are in the lower left corner and the boys are in the upper right (don't mind the brooder temp, that was the temporary brooder for about an hour while my husband was building a larger one)

Hope this helps!!!
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Oh goodness I am one of the ones that was misled by TSC. Granted I knew I was getting a rooster (he was hurt) but I was hoping that he would live!!! After much searching and discussion on BYC I have come to the conclusion that mine is a meat bird. He is HUGE!!!! If you can look back at any of my posts ( I am not sure how to list it here as I am new to BYC) BUT my post was "not sure what to do about rooster chick" od "Little Dude" and alot of people responded!!!
Well, I'm getting pictures.. I'm no chicken expert. Even with looking at other threads. I'm impatient, and I'm very very ADD. I guess I'll be getting some different chicks if these are rocks... I just got so attached to my chickens, too.. >.<

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