My booted chickie - did I do it right?


10 Years
Apr 27, 2009
Upstate NY
I had to take this little one out of it's shell because the membrane had completely dried up since it pipped and didn't go very far. The chick is doing wonderfully, but the curled toes had hung around. So, I made wee little boots out of band aids, as I'd read on here.

Does it look right????

Glad to hear it.. phew!

I just cut the ends off of two bandaids, held the foot out, stretched the toes to where they should be and plopped the foot onto the bandaid and they just stuck there. Then I covered it with a second bandaid. It's been on for 2 days now and the little bugger is walking (or flapping
) around perfectly. Doesn't even seem to mind them!!
I had the same situation with one foot on a baby day before yesterday, and haven't any real band-aids...I just love the nexcare stuff, and it's so membrane-thin it wouldn't work to keep the toes apart, so I tried to use medical tape...and it was a tremendous struggle to hold the baby and get the stuff on!! Then it stepped in water and it came off...

I may have to go buy some band-aid brand bandages...your orthopedic shoes look perfect!

How old is your baby?
I have no experience with this process at all but I know I read on here somewhere that you are supposed to change them out every day. You might want to do a search and see what you can turn up.
I tried to use non-bandaid ones and the stick just wasn't there... so you definitely have to use brand name.

My baby is 4 days old now.
Well, I thought about that but it doesn't really care for the sticking and the unsticking (as I could tell when making these!). So I figure that I'll only mess with them when I need to, I was thinking once a week.

I've just been keeping the shavings clean and making sure nothing gets stuck on them and that they don't get pood on.
I was thinking it had more to do with the chick's feet than the cleanliness of the bandages. It gives you a chance to check the bird's feet, see if they still need the bandage and correct any problems. Good luck!

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