California - Northern



BYC Staff
18 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
I know there are a bunch of us Northern California types here (yeah, I'm talking to you).

Now, the question is where do we draw the line between North and South?

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There really isn't a line between Northern and Southern Calif because you have to fit Central Calif in between the two. The accepted line between Southern and Central is Point Conception. The line between Northern and Central is around Monterey or thereabouts. You can actually include San Francisco as being in Central Calif because there is a lot of Northern Calif above it. Anywho, we who live here have it divided into three sections instead of two.

Cheers, Fuzzbutt aka John in Lompoc, Ca (right behind Point Conception) We are just barely in Central Calif).
Hey all, hello! I have a friend who lives in Eureka, now THAT's northern California! He makes fun of me when I say I live in northern California (20miles east of Sacramento) because HE's in the north, lol. I would have to say that anything south of Sacramento and north of the grapevine is in the central valley. It's all good!
Well, shootfire.... I figured I would do a tiny research of where "central " California really was. Wikkepedia had the most comprehensive information. I was surprised to learn that even Redding is considered in central CA. Wow, and all this time I thought I lived in northern California. Ha! Here's a map to give you an idea. Everything between the Grapevine and Redding is central. I guess the Sacramento area is considered the northern Sacramento valley instead of northern California.

I will never consider SF Bay Area, Sacramento, etc. as "Central CA". Me, my family, and all my Northern California friends have always called everything north of, say.... Santa Cruz as guaranteed Northern CA. The actual line is a bit hazy, but if I was going to take a person stab in the dark I'd say south of Monterey is Southern CA. Look at the cool line on this map that divides the state by counties right below Monterey:

That's what I was going to say- that describes the central VALLEY.

Being one from NORTH of eureka....I also have to laugh regularly when the San Fran and Sacramento folks say they're in northern Cali!!!!! Which is why under my name, I said I was fromWAY north coastal CALI!

ANYHOW...another BYC member from Eureka once said she's from "the TRUE northern California"...I'd have to agree. Funny thing is....there's more North than even me! Way up there an hours drive is crescent city and then another 15minutes drive to the Oregon border.

Hard for small state folks (especially easterners) to understand how large cali REALLY is! If they drove all day, they could go through several states, and we could still be in the same state ALL DAY. I've driven from the Eureka area to LA.....took ALL day (14 hours back then), and there's at least a hour more on each end!


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