Leg Bands

Identifying chickens. We did it sometimes when we were mixing 100 new layers with 100 old layers. I could tell most of them apart but we did it for safety. If you want to use something cheaper you can use Zip ties.
I use different color leg bands to tell my hens apart. works great. ex. one has a green on the left leg and one has a green on the right leg etc. otherwise it would be hard to tell who is who.
Those work good for older birds. For the chicks I use little girls hair elastics. I got a pack of 500 mixed colors for $1.
I can't tell some of mine apart otherwise! lol The EE's get blue, the JG gets white the Marans and Silkies don't get any. I don't have huge numbers though. Some people color code by hatch or age.

Ok...I can tell them apart, but since their mostly all black that involves catching each one and looking for its particular markings. I tell from a few feet away with the bands.
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I have just four wyandottes that are nearly impossible to tell apart. It's useful to be able to identify at a glance a particular bird I might wish to monitor, illness, injuries, bullying behavior, etc.

I'm frugal as well as remote from major feed stores. So I took colored, large size paper clips, straightened them out, and then curled them around a magic marker pen to create a spiral. To install them on the hens' legs was a bit of a chore, they put up quite a fuss and hollered that it was hurting, but I got them on without too much trouble. The bands are holding up just fine and it sure makes it easier to keep track of who'd who.
Those work good for older birds. For the chicks I use little girls hair elastics. I got a pack of 500 mixed colors for $1.

i have been looking for the colored bands or colored rubber bands for a week now and cant find them anywhere!

i would be happy to find anything like that for a buck! Even if i only get 25!
You can get the colored zip ties(we call them tie-wraps) at most hardware or home improvement stores for a couple of bucks.
SCNA a serama group, they do that so you know what lines you have, and some clubs pay an incentive, if your bird is wearing the clubs leg band and they win grand champ you get a prize

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