Anyone want to build this 4X8 +or- COOP... CHEAP!


11 Years
Apr 28, 2008
SW of Greenwood, INDIANA
Using TEN 40x48 pallets (most common size), lay two on flat ground (best over 32 12x12 stepping stones) going 48 + 48 (eight feet). Across the back, wire (can use clothes hangers, #10 electric wire's easier/faster) two upright pallets 48 + 48 lengthwise. Wire two pallets on the top, 48 + 48.
You now have a 40"-high frame with an open front. Wire one pallet to swing open and shut as a door. Put a piece of plexglass or clear plastic over the front of another swinging pallet on the front to be a window.
Now BUY a couple of large tarps, I'd use camouflage color, and cover everything, stretching tightly, inside and out with it. Use screws and fender washers to attach the tarps for top, side, and door. Use one uncut piece of tarp for exterior and try for one uncut piece for the interior ceiling, walls, and floor, i.e., wrap it like a gift box.

If you want it higher, wire two levels for 80 inches high, but that will require some 2x4's for bracing.

If anyone wants to add to or change this description, please do, but keep it CHEAP!
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I'm confused....
I am fixing to build one of these. I have already gathered up several pallets to use. I also used the pallets to separate a coop. They work good for lots of things and you can get them for free.

I was going to cover mine in wood, but I think I'll use the tarps, it will be cheaper.
Thanks for the good tips!
Great! I'm looking forward to pictures of a "tarp coop" and your ideas. Really, there's no reason that it wouldn't last for years. Just don't screw into the top; keep the screws/fender washers on the side to avoid leaks.

ETA Let's see if you can do the whole thing for less than $75.
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Great! I'm looking forward to pictures of a "tarp coop" and your ideas. Really, there's no reason that it wouldn't last for years. Just don't screw into the top; keep the screws/fender washers on the side to avoid leaks.

ETA Let's see if you can do the whole thing for less than $75.

I bet I can do it cheaper than that. I'll keep track of the cost.
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