AI how much is enough?


Fancy Banties
11 Years
May 8, 2008
Sharpsburg, MD.
I've tried rather unsuccessfully to artificially inseminate my cochins and resorted to chopping off lovely cushions to insure fertility. I thought I would give it another swing this Spring ... no go
Then, I had a serama hen that kept giving me infertile eggs ... guess my rosecomb roo wasn't doing his job (chocolate project) Anyway, I was desperate and gave it a shot and I did it no problem.... so easy, I could not believe it. He gave me a decent amount and now Im getting fertile eggs.

Well, now Im back to the cochins.. I thought since I had my practice with a smaller roo, that the big, fluffy cochins might be easier. They are somewhat awkward to hold and, now that I've got a good handle on them, they aren't putting out very much... maybe a couple drops of clear stuff with some bubbles in it. I know this may be pretty gross for some folks but, I had no other place to turn to... my husband already thinks Im nuts
I find myself hiding behind the coop with my rooster under my arm PRAYING my neighbors don't peek out a window

Anyway, the hen accepted what little stuff I gave her but, am wondering if it is enough. I know all you need is a little bit, but how much is enough?
So, I've got to ask, how exactly do you go about it? I know this is a family site, but, well, it's also a chicken site. How do you get him 'in the mood' and what do you collect it in, what do you use to inseminate the girls?
Yeah, it's not as horrible as you would think... no actual "parts" involved
It's more of a pain than anything. ...and a big reason many folks don't mess with some of the fluffier breeds.

You should've seen me when I first tried.. picture me with "the rooster" husband with "the pipette" It was like two people trying to drive a car... very complicated and we couldn't get in sync. Rusty was steering and I was trying to change gears
Anyway, it didn't work out too well. Now, I can do the deed in just a few seconds but, am wondering if Im getting enough gas to get me home
The woman in the video had a 2 ml pipette, and wasn't filling it, so, doesn't take too much apparently. Probably 1ml or less?
Think I'll let my roo do it the old fashioned way, but if I ever need to do it, at least I know how.
Practice with the bird every day, as they have to get used to it before you can get decent stuff or any stuff at all. The semen should be cloudy or milky for it to be good. Does not take much, a drop or two will work if its good. The more you handle them, the easier they will feel and the more you will get. Some birds never get the idea though and do not like it.
So,.. because I have an older, low producing, buff cock bird that I like that is a low producer (of semen) I tried using saline as an extender, and I did get fertile eggs doing so. This might help those with roosters that produce little ejaculate.

I'm still relatively new at AI and most of the cocks I've been practicing with have started producing more over time- suppose they have learned to relax more during the procedure.
Yeah, I was thinking of watering it down a bit.. huh. I'll check fertility and see how this does. I read up a bit more and it seems I should also be pressing a bit on his abdomen which I wasn't doing so, that may help.


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