I've tried rather unsuccessfully to artificially inseminate my cochins and resorted to chopping off lovely cushions to insure fertility. I thought I would give it another swing this Spring ... no go
Then, I had a serama hen that kept giving me infertile eggs ... guess my rosecomb roo wasn't doing his job (chocolate project) Anyway, I was desperate and gave it a shot and I did it no problem.... so easy, I could not believe it. He gave me a decent amount and now Im getting fertile eggs.
Well, now Im back to the cochins.. I thought since I had my practice with a smaller roo, that the big, fluffy cochins might be easier. They are somewhat awkward to hold and, now that I've got a good handle on them, they aren't putting out very much... maybe a couple drops of clear stuff with some bubbles in it. I know this may be pretty gross for some folks but, I had no other place to turn to... my husband already thinks Im nuts
I find myself hiding behind the coop with my rooster under my arm PRAYING my neighbors don't peek out a window
Anyway, the hen accepted what little stuff I gave her but, am wondering if it is enough. I know all you need is a little bit, but how much is enough?
Well, now Im back to the cochins.. I thought since I had my practice with a smaller roo, that the big, fluffy cochins might be easier. They are somewhat awkward to hold and, now that I've got a good handle on them, they aren't putting out very much... maybe a couple drops of clear stuff with some bubbles in it. I know this may be pretty gross for some folks but, I had no other place to turn to... my husband already thinks Im nuts
Anyway, the hen accepted what little stuff I gave her but, am wondering if it is enough. I know all you need is a little bit, but how much is enough?