3 month old Photo Op! (pic heavy!)


Fuzzy Feather Fanatic
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jun 9, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
Ah, just a month ago, I was posting about my little girls' 2 month 'birthday'... My, have they grown. (The 2 month board is here, by the way: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=535599 ) I didn't get a picture of the boys, though. They've grown too 'mature' for the pullets and I decided I didn't want them ripping the poor girls' feathers out before they're ready. They're in separate pens because they no longer get along with each other, either.

Anyway, on to the girls! I got a new camera for my own birthday, which takes much better pics than the cell phone I used last time. They are Easter-Eggers and Barred Rocks, in case you wondered. I've gotten to know them a bit better since the last photo op, so I have short blurbs about their personalities, too. ...Okay, I'm a crazy chicken lady, no need to point it out.

Here goes nothin'!


Freema is so sweet.
Yesterday, she spent a good ten minutes just lounging on my lap while I stroked her back, talking up a storm. Filled me in on the gossip, anyway. XD


Diana's quiet and calm, the last one to panic if something happens. She likes to pose for the camera, too.


Natalie's usually in the background, but quite curious and definitely not shy.


Cressy is Freema's best friend--seems like they're always together. Cressy loves to hop up on my arms. And she is just so pretty, too!


Mags is my tough little girl. If she doesn't want to be picked up, by golly, she'll take a swing at you! But she doesn't mind being petted and she has the softest beard!


Bett is the little adventurer. She's the first one to check things out and she's bold as can be. If she wants your attention, you'll know it! She also reminds me of a muppet and I have yet to capture a picture of why--but I'm trying my darndest!


Good ol' Clumsy-Cricket. Tell you what, this girl is such a claud! She flies right into me and claws up my arms and legs all the time! But she adores attention and she's a pretty nice little girl in spite of it all...


Kate used to be pretty sassy, but she's become quite shy recently. She's reclusive, but hangs out with Debra Jo sometimes. And camera shy, boy. Took me a long time to get a good picture.

Debra Jo:

Miss Attitude. 'Nuff said.


The only one that's afraid of people. She makes a racket if you try to touch her and if you manage to pick her up..! Whoa!


Wynne is so gentle and quiet... She's still a little afraid of quick movements, but she'll let me pet her and rub her beard without complaint.

And that's the girls.
In the next few weeks, we'll be introducing them to the big girls. Be ready for pictures and horror stories then!
Thanks! I gotta say, this is my favorite group so far. (Don't tell the big girls.
) They're so friendly! Most of adults will hang out around me, but none of them want to be touched or picked up. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that these young ladies are from a hatchery where they weren't picked up and chased around all day like feed-store chicks are.
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What a great group! I still don't get how you guys can tell same breeds apart. I have six different breeds and some days I still say "Dorothy, Mabel, Maude, Gertrude..... whichever one you are!"
Let's just say I have a lot of time to spend with my girls most days...

Actually, I'm the only one here that knows each and every one of them apart by appearance, adults and youngsters. The EEs are easy in this group, it's just the barred rocks that give everyone difficulty. Everyone knows Freema, though, because Freema is the first to climb on your lap or run to you for attention. I tell them apart by their faces, specifically their beaks. Natalie has the darkest beak, followed by Debra Jo, then Cricket, then Kate, then Diana, then Freema. I've also noticed that they have different facial builds, which helps immensely. Cricket and Natalie are the only ones with similar faces, and just looking at their beaks tells them apart easily. I also 'practiced' their names when I first gave them to them by sitting with them for an hour or so and saying their names aloud as I spotted them.
I used to be like that, though. I would take a notebook out and write down their names, and for a couple years we even banded their legs to tell them apart. But now, I just look at them and know.
It amazes even my family.

Sorry, that took more explaining than I thought it would. XD
We went 7 years without getting them, and knowing now what they're like, I sincerely regret not getting them sooner. I would recommend barred rocks to ANYONE, especially as pet chickens!

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