First EGGS!!!!


Just'a small town girl
8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
We were gone for a week and had our friends check for eggs on tuesday and there were none, we came back today and found four!!! four eggs in three days and they were tiny! The hen and rooster bred recently could they be fertilized? they are her first eggs...
The first pic is hen second is rooster



Yes they are probably fertile but if you intend to incubate them, I would wait a couple of months until they are bigger: many pullet eggs do not do well incubated. Congrats on the eggs!!!
Im hoping that she will sit on them herself
she made a nest and layed four in three days so we will see. will the "chicks" die if she doesnt sit on them soon? they were all four warm when i felt them yesterday but she isnt sitting on them now.
I am not an expert but I can tell you what my ameraucanas do. They never show any interest in sitting on the eggs! I do know that a hen that does sit, usually lays a few to several before sitting. The eggs will be fine if they don't get too cold or too hot in the mean time. Hopefully someone with more experience will answer your question. Those first eggs are so exciting. I have a couple of 6 month old silkie pullets that haven't layed yet. Of course with silkies they could still turn out to be cockerels.
If your girls have just started laying they probably will not go broody for a little while. Also, it is best to wait until they are laying bigger eggs before trying to hatch chicks from them.
Just enjoy the eggs for eating for a bit.

When a hen goes broody she will stay in the nest box alot. She will pull out her breast feathers so that the exposed skin warms the eggs. Flatten out over the eggs like a pancake. Give you major stink eye accompanied by growling and fluffing up when you get too close. When you see these signs then you know you have a hen ready to hatch eggs.

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