A BYC Cookbook?? - What do you think? OK'd by Nifty Chicken


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
With all the recipe sharing and tips that are shared here, what do you think about putting a cookbook together? I would be happy to collect the recipes and send them in to the publisher. I did check with one printer and pricing was based on how many recipes and how many books are ordered. Once I know what the interest is and an idea of how many would want one then I can get a better idea on pricing.


E-mail recipes to [email protected]

Deadline 7/31/08
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Thats an awesome idea.......count me in too please. i love cookbooks, and delicious new recipes.........
I hate to be the bad apple in the barrel here -

My recipes are copyright on my recipe blog along with my photos.

Have you asked Rob, the owner of BYC, if he will support a BYC cookbook?

Also there are many upload and click publishing toolls now and a publisher and pricing is not needed. You can do 1 book and it be as affordable as doing 1000 from a 'publisher'.
I think it's a great idea and I'd be happy to share some recipes...AND buy a book!! Which cookbook printer did you get info from?

If you do a google search on "copyright recipes" the first site that comes up is the copyright office site...but even with recipes that have been copyrighted, the copyright holder can permit you to use the material (if s/he chooses).

Keep us posted and talk to Rob!

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