Marans Owners -- anything "bad" about this breed?


12 Years
Feb 11, 2007
Bellingham, WA
I would very much like to acquire some Marans for their lovely dark eggs!

As someone who has raised one breed (Araucanas) exclusively for many years, I was shocked when I picked up a trio of Polish for my husband last fall. I found them to be unthrifty, neurotic, and hard to keep clean. I had heard that they needed extra protection from predators due to their crests (which I dutifully provided), but no one told me about the other stuff!

SO, before I go ahead and order myself some Marans hatching eggs, I'd like to know: are there any pitfalls to this breed? I've read quite a bit about them, and the only "bad" thing I've heard is that they're not great layers (though I'm not sure how true this is). Is there anything else I should know?

I sure would appreciate y'all's help! Thanks!

How do you pronounce "Marans?" Is it "Muh-RAHNS?" "MA-runhs?" Neither? Thanks!
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Hi Anne - I haven't heard any negatives. In fact, my shipment of Marans chicks goes out tomorrow for Tuesday delivery. There's a man on here that sells them. Mine hatched yesterday. Can't wait to add this breed to our flock.

Edited to add - here's the link to Mr. Jesse's Marans - he's such a sweet man - calls and talks and is very informative.
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They are my first chickens, bought eggs off ebay on a whim. They have been trouble free completely, for a beginner, so far four months, no troubles, lots of smiles, happy feelings, pretty PRETTY birds, now just waiting to see what the eggs look like, crossing finges for August or September.
I love my marans. They are large,calm and hassle free. As far as not being great layers,I've gotten 18 eggs from my 4 non brooding hens over the past 5 days. I'd say that's pretty good laying. The only drawback is mine have been a broody bunch this year and if you're not wanting broodies,that may be a bad thing. They are good setters and make wonderful mothers.
I love mine. They lay beautiful dark eggs, and a bunch of them! I get 16-18 a week from three hens.
I ordered straight run Cuckoo Marans, which of course meant I received all males
BUT the two roos we butchered, were DELICIOUS and HUGE in 3.5 months, and the one we kept is our Alpha Rooster, Jean-Robert. He has the strangest crow anyone has ever heard. From the orchard across the creek, it sounds like an elk mating call
I can only speak for male Marans, as I have yet to order a female. I will definitely get some for my next springtime order.
Oh, sorry, I'm not sure on the pronunciation. I use your second pronunciation.Hey dangerous- if you were sent all males in cuckoo marans, they did a number on you. They are relatively easy to sex as day olds. I can get it right about 75% of the time.
Ummm, I have found having Marans to be like eating potato chips, cant have just one? Is that a bad thing?

I started with one pair of Cuckoo Marans, now have 10 Black Copper babies, 6 more Cuckoo Marans teenagers, and look forward to having more variety of Marans, such as Blue, Black, etc.....
The Cuckoo Marans hen I have is one of my most prolific layers, nearly an egg a day - she even continued to lay during our recent "firestorm" with helicopters buzzing overhead, bulldozers blading within a hundred of feet of our property, and getting soaked by the sprinklers I had running continuously to keep them as wet as possible! She's amazing.

Here is a pic of my Cuckoo Marans rooster, he is the most gentle guy!

I read whatever I could find about Marans and other breeds while trying to decide on my own upcoming flock. The only "bad" thing I heard about them was that they are apparently feed hogs, especially if they don't have additional protein in their diet. I can not say one way or the other about whether that is true or not.

I think the black coppers are especially attractive, and I love the idea of those dark eggs. I finally decided against getting any, for now at least, because: 1. they are quite large birds, and I decided to go with smaller breeds; 2. the possible problem of feed inefficiency; 3. the current fad that has sent prices so danged high!

I am currently getting to know one of the guys who is now getting the new Marans Chicken Club organized, and fortunately he lives close to my new property. So I plan on getting acquainted with his birds. If I decide I can't live without them, then I can get some from him in the future. In the meantime, I keep reading.

If anyone here gets seriously interested in Marans, I recommend joining the Marans Chicken Club list on yahoogroups. They have plans for getting organized in the near future, with a newsletter and shows and such. Their goal is to get the breed recognized by APA. The more members, the better!

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