More expensive bator..better?(Updated w/Pics)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 3, 2008
I struggled with my first four attempts at hatching chicks (ended up with 12 chickens out of 61 eggs, not a very good ratio), mainly, I believe, due to temperature changes in my house between night/day; causing the incubator temperature to fluctuate to significantly resulting in bad hatch rates. Anyways, a neighbors dog went through and killed half my flock about two months ago. He reimbursed me $215; and I used this to purchase a used R-COM 20 incubator off Ebay (run about $450 new). I just candled on Day 7, and so far development looks good. Five of the eggs I am incubating are a the cross of my wheaten maran hen to a blue copper roo, so I am very curious to see how the chicks will turn out, if sucessfull. The remaining eggs are 7 white orpingon (from auction) and two mutts (crosses between my blue copper and and a buff orpington....right now the only roo I have is a blue copper maran; so I don't have a wheaten maran or my orpington roo to breed with my hens).

So far I am very impressed with the R-Com. It hold temperature much more consistently than the brower top hatch incubator I have, and the work of adjusting temperature and maintaining humidity is far easier

So far so good

I will try and post some pics later on as the chicks develop.

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Can you keep me posted about how the hatchings go?
I will get a R-com from DH for my birthday.
They look so good. The only thing is that they are expensive.
And let me know if you liked it and think it is worth the money.
Will do chickenma. One interesting thing to note about the R-Com 20; everytime it turns the eggs it plays a little tune

It seems to be programmed with a lot of different little songs, as I have yet to hear the same tune twice (turns the eggs every hour). I am very impressed that after candling eggs, it went back up to temperature in about a minute (my old top hatch took a half hour or longer).

I think you have made a good choice.

Besides the silkie(
which you cant improve upon! ) I think the more spendy incubators are probably that way because in general they do a better job. However, sometimes you dont have a choice and make do with what you can get.
I decided to update this post with a few pictures...

my new (used incubator)


An up close shot of the dark eggs from my wheaten hen that I am incubating (crossed with my blue copper roo)


My blue copper roo (papa)


My wheaten hen


Even though this is a little off topic; I also purchased some new arrivals from the polutry show I went to last Saturday in New Ulm, MN - a trio of welsumers and faverolles.

My new Welsumer roo (the pictures do not do justice to how beautiful a bird he is)



One of the welsumer hens


The trio of faverolles (they were camera shy today, so it was hard to get a good picture of them)


Hope that you enjoy the pictures.

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