Upcoming Poultry Shows in Fall 2010 for OK/TX/AR


Hatching and Showing
13 Years
Oct 10, 2007
September 18-19 - Amarillo, TX
Contact Tracy Hill at 806-622-2488

September 25 - Decatur,TX

September 30 - Pine Bluff, AR

October 2 - Tulsa, OK
Entries due by August 27, 2010

October 9-10 - Texas Pan Am Poultry Show

October 15 - Little Rock, AR

October 16 - Newcastle, OK
Contact Kenny Adams

October 17 - Newcastle, OK
Texas Game Breeders' Association All Game show

October 30 - Abilene, TX

November 6 - Fayetteville, AR

November 27 - Cement, OK
A double show and the OK State Cornish meet
Contact: Matthew Glass #405-320-3817

December 11-12 - Shawnee, OK
The 2010 American Poultry Association National Show
Contact:Steve Jones at [email protected]

If you know the date and location for another show in OK/TX/AR please post it!
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You missed a few:

September 25th- Decatur Texas

October 16th- Newcastle Oklahoma
October 17th- Newcastle- TAGBC show

October 30th- Abilene Texas

Does anyone know about a Texas National Poultry Show for 2010? I thought I heard from someone that there was a show by this name last year. Any help would be appreciated.

It could have been a breed club National in Texas?? Say, "the Texas OEGB National show" or something along those lines.
There is going to be the APA National in Oklahoma this year, but they never do an APA or ABA national in Texas because of Texas' strict health restrictions..... come to think of it, they wouldn't do any/many breed club nationals there for the same reason...
Because of some scheduling difficulties with our "usual" show facilities, the "Texas National" hosted by the Texas Association of Exhibition Poultry Clubs (TAEPC) was held in conjunction with the Tri-State Fair in Amarillo this year - back on September 11-12. There is no November TAEPC show this year. The next Texas show will be Abilene on October 30th, then the Bluebunny
Ooops, I mean Bluebonnet Classic on January 8th.

Sam Brush
The good thing about the Bluebonnet Classic this year is that they were able to hire some GOOD judges for a change..................................
Of course they had to go out of state for most of them......
It was posted on someone's website here - http://birdhaven.jimdo.com/tx-poultry-shows/

don't know why it has that name, though

The reason why it was and is still referred to as the Texas Nationals is because when it was started in the early 80's the Texas Association of Exhibition Poultry Clubs put the show on.
This was a true effort by all the clubs in Texas, which at that time was about 25.
The original show was host to the ABA Nationals and later ABA Semi- Nationals. Keep in mind that Texas is a district all to itself in the ABA, district 12

Since the Fancy has dwindled to just 7 or 8 clubs in Texas and our borders are basically closed, the TAEPC now is trying to keep the flame alive by either hosting a stand alone show or by supporting another show.
For 2011 that show will be the Ft Worth Stock Show.

Stay Tuned.......

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