Recent content by 2iceblest

  1. 2

    Broody hen affecting others’ laying?

    I feel for you! Has it resolved? I have one broody hen for over a month now. No matter what I do all she wants is to lay in the egg box and prevent others from laying. Then, if they do, she sits on their eggs! She won’t lay, isn’t egg bound, rarely eats, and is driving everyone crazy! She was...
  2. 2

    Well … it was mud!! I don’t know how because the pen is pretty dry. Must’ve dug in a wooded...

    Well … it was mud!! I don’t know how because the pen is pretty dry. Must’ve dug in a wooded area last evening and it dried overnight. A bear to get off!!
  3. 2

    Sorry. The file didn’t load.

    Sorry. The file didn’t load.
  4. 2

    Has anyone seen anything like this?? It happened literally overnight. It’s not mud. Is it...

    Has anyone seen anything like this?? It happened literally overnight. It’s not mud. Is it developing gout??
  5. 2

    Bully hen

    I’m having a similar problem suddenly with one hen pecking on the tail end of another who was the leader. No more. I have tried spraying the picked on hen’s hind end with tea tree spray but as soon as she grows some down, she’s bare again. I’m separating the bully for a few days to see if that...
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    Update from the BarQ and a Question

    Thanh you for your insight.
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    Update from the BarQ and a Question

    They have toys, roosts, ladders and spend time free-ranging a few days a week.
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    Update from the BarQ and a Question

    I was watching them eating their fermented mash and at the hanging cabbage and they were getting along fine, as usual.
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    Update from the BarQ and a Question

    She’s pecking at them. I’m finding feather pieces. Watched her at the dust bath and it’s pecking at their lower backs. They’re not bare. Their down is showing.
  10. 2

    Update from the BarQ and a Question

    I get that. Just frustrated because suddenly CG#1 is pecking the back feathers off #2 and #3 but leaving the other chickens alone. They’re down to their down! Not sure if I should try to make some tea tree spray since the Pick No More is a cream.
  11. 2

    New Member Introduction

  12. 2

    Update from the BarQ and a Question

    They don’t act like Wyandottes. one is an attack hen.
  13. 2

    I think this is my maran

    I have a Cuckoo Marans and she has beige with grey legs.
  14. 2

    Sick 1.5 year old hen help—what to do next?

    Have you looked into Chickenlandia’s suggestions? Dalia says to use the REST method. Remove her and bring her inside. Feed raw egg yolk via a syringe, and she suggests different natural remedies for different issues. Well worth your time.
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