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  • Well, first solo surgery was a success(at least as of now). I might have to go again soon, but we'll see how it does in the next day or two. Usually, I would have had a second set of hands but I've been putting it off for weeks now and it definitely needed to get done, so I gave in and did it all myself! (Thankfully there wasn't much blood, and the hen stayed extremely calm for the majority of it)
    I'm finally moving from backyard chicken keeper to breeder. Our flocks still have a long way to go but I'm now set on keeping breed lines true instead of my willy-nilly mixed breeds(although my interesting guys will always have a piece of my heart, and I still have a few projects I want to play with).
    Unfortunately, not as of now. I really wish I could, but we're not quite set up for that yet(I don't even sell hatching eggs in-state yet).
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    Ok! No worries. Do you think you will in the future?
    Yes, or at least I plan to. Hopefully before next year.
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    Well... I've proven wrong the myth about cold incubation producing more hens(of course this is only the thought that the males just won't hatch/form properly). 1st incubation of the year produced 10 chicks, the power to the incubator was shut off throughout the incubation for a total of somewhere upwards of 12 hours. Pretty sure I've got 9 roos and 1 hen... Thankfully I was already planning to sell most of them.
    Just got a new flashlight for candling(my other ones died, and I'm the type that would rather try a new one than get more batteries)... It's amazing! I've never been able to see more of the egg... I can actually see the edge of the yolk... And it's only Day 3! (I had to check them because power was shut off to them for at least a few hours yesterday, yikes!)
    They told me to just drown her, to put her down and out of her "misery"... Well, I'm happy to announce that "Flat"(as we took to calling her due to her spraddle-leg-like condition(it likely was spraddle, but I'm not 100% sure")) is doing well, her legs fixed themselves with practically no intervention from me, and she's a perfectly happy 5-week old buff brahma.
    This is that moment when I realize that I have $100 extra to spend... on chickens of course, and as I get excited, also realize that I can't decide what in the world I want because there's just too many options, and the most likely options are still too expensive... :barnie
    You know you've gone a little chicken overboard when it becomes a good idea to change an old garden into a chicken village... We just picked up 3 coops from my aunt and have to go get at least 1 more tomorrow... :thumbsup
    And on that same note, I'm hoping that Monroe will make it through the night... it's not looking too good right now(it's not a Brahma, but it's one of the older ones that's been being picked on for the last few weeks). It's all bandaged up and separated for now... wish us luck.
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    UPDATE : Monroe is doing better, also becoming more and more my favorite bird as the days pass... 🙏
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