Hello all, I'm going to be away for a few days, and a dear friend is looking after my birds while I'm gone! I've given her permission to use my account if she has any problems, as I will be far, FAR off grid. (I can't WAIT!) Thank you all in advance for helping her, but hopefully she won't need it! Skol!
P.S. The picture is my dad and YT moving my "new" (to me) chicken coop!
Well, I know better than to go inside a feed store at this time of year, at least I thought I did. Four "Assorted Bantams" later, and I'm still not sure what happened! I looked in the bin, that's what happened. Lol
This profile picture is "Cupcake", my lap rooster/bantam cochin house pet. His absolute favorite spot is on my dog's bed, and even though I've tried to explain it to him (in Chicken, no less), he just doesn't get it! Lol