Recent content by AccidentalFarmGal

  1. AccidentalFarmGal

    Accidentalfarmgals Member Page

    I have always loved animals and farming. I grew up pretty much a city gal. I now live in the country with my husband and daughter. They have 4-H in the schools here. Where I went to school 4-H was not all that big a thing. I now have a herd of hair sheep. What is a hair sheep you may ask...
  2. AccidentalFarmGal

    What do I need to do a baby chick when her feathers have been pecked?

    Thank you for all the help. I have bluekote that is what we use on our sheep when they have small wounds. I was not sure if it was safe to use on baby chickens. I was worried about it getting lonely. Thanks for the advice!
  3. AccidentalFarmGal

    What do I need to do a baby chick when her feathers have been pecked?

    Help me please. I am not sure what I need to do the wound where my 2 week old chick has had her feathers pecked off. I have separated her from the other chicks, but do I need clean the wound? And if I need to clean the wound so I just use soap and warm water? Do I need to put anything on it...
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