I've started saving eggs for setting on the 9th, and I got four eggs yesterday. One egg was a pullet egg from my chanteclers and I'm so excited they're finally laying.
When I got home from work, the cats had knocked off the carton of eggs and broke every single one!! I sure hope this isn't a...
Received my incu-kit and got it all installed with hubby's help! I left one light in the chest 'bator to facilitate peeking in the 'bator thru the window :)
I love the kit so far. Keeps the temps a little tighter then the hot water heater and i LOVE the digital controls!
I had to give...
I have wanted some chantecler chickens for a while now, and someone was selling three hens and a rooster relatively close to me.
I was so excited to finally have some!! So we got them and brought them home, kept them in their own coop to get settled in etc esp since the rooster was a little...
Glad to hear she's doing better! I can just imagine how you felt tho with finding the sour crop, argh! Have you taken her feed away? At least for the day..but make sure she has lots of fresh water and maybe a little grit.
I had some problems when I first started hatching as well, almost...
Sometimes I have an egg with a hole about the size of a pencil eraser on the very end, the small end, of an egg. It happens because there isn't enough bedding to soften the eggs fall and it pops out a tine hole.
Oh dear, sorry to hear about the lost ones :(
My past two hatches have been singles and I have been very worried. But they have done ok and my last single has joined his couple weeks older siblings in the brooder outside. I was afraid they'd bully him, but I think they're kind of afraid of...
I can't wait for mine to arrive, we will have to compare notes! (on the incukit)
Such a disappointing hatch this time (and last) I have my hopes pinned very high on this heater. I will join the easter hatch along hopefully with my new improved bator.
Meanwhile its so incredibly tempting to...