Recent content by AlicesSilkies

  1. AlicesSilkies

    Silkie - Loretta or Lorenzo?

    Silkies are so hard to tell, but i too am thinking boy, but keep your fingers crossed and repost in a few weeks
  2. AlicesSilkies

    SLW Gender?

    I think your spot on! Congratulations they are all beautiful!
  3. AlicesSilkies

    He or She?

    Its hard to tell, but im thinking a boy, but wait a little longer and repost pictures to double check
  4. AlicesSilkies

    He or she is much older now 9 weeks old

    Sorry, it does look like a boy, but wait a bit longer just to be sure
  5. AlicesSilkies


    Yeah, i agree they look like two girlies to me, congratulations!
  6. AlicesSilkies

    Just Apple cider vinegar?

    Thanks for answering; im gonna put a bit of cider vinegar in tonight
  7. AlicesSilkies

    All my birds are dying?! Help!

    This is awful, its so stressful and upsetting when you loose a chicken, I lost my favorite chicken a month ago. This is a pic of my hen a few days before she died -her comb is pale -her feather arent looked after -she holds her wing low down Does your hen look like this? Post us a pic if...
  8. AlicesSilkies

    Just Apple cider vinegar?

    Hey gang, So i am in the process of making apple cider vinegar using this website but it takes aggessss. Because i am impatient i was wondering if you can use malt vinegar or red wine vinger or just classic cider vinegar? Massive thanks in...
  9. AlicesSilkies

    What age and sex is my silkie?

    Hey byc gang So i had a new chicken given to me which i have now named beans due to his/hers fascination with the baked beans I was told she was hatched this spring which makes her old enough to lay eggs but none have appeared and she has become very dominant over my flock even bossing my...
  10. AlicesSilkies

    Very Sick hen, pale comb, lethargic, lost appetite. Help please!

    Hello BYC gang!! My silver laced wyandotte has become very poorly, her comb has suddenly gone really pale, and only a few months ago in the summer it was a beautiful, striking red, she was one of my best layers and now she hasnt laid a single one in 2 weeks. Shes lost soo much weight and...
  11. AlicesSilkies

    No eggs hatched, what to do next??

    I candeled them at a very early stage and it looked like 7 out of the 10 had something in. But i didnt really like to touch them whilst she was on the nest. If i took the eggs away would she stop being broody or would she get very upset and naughty?? Thanks for answering
  12. AlicesSilkies

    Boys VS Girls

  13. AlicesSilkies

    Post pictures of your animals!

    Yours are adorable! I love Button
  14. AlicesSilkies

    No eggs hatched, what to do next??

    Hi guys, It was my first ever broody, we got 10 eggs and she sat tightly but no eggs have hatched What do i do next? We are currently on day 27th and there is no sign of anything. Should i take them away or.... Very stuck Thanks in advance chicken friends
  15. AlicesSilkies

    Post pictures of your animals!

    Apart from chickens, we have three very happy and spolit guinea pigs too: Aslan, Squiggles and Guiness
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