
I am an artist, aquarium hobbyist, dog owner, and, of course, chicken keeper! I've had chickens since 2017 and currently own 4 pet hens. I started showing the ameraucanas under my highschool FFA program last year.
I currently have a weird temporary setup with my chickens. Because we live in the suburbs with an HOA, their coop is in the garage and their run is on the side of the house. I have a routine for them and they get plenty of free range time, and come into the garage to sleep at night!
I'm going off to college soon, but I have big chicken related aspirations for the future! I want my own HOA-free property where I can raise a flock with roosters and even breed my own chickens. Eventually owning bantams would be fun, too!
But for now I am focusing on my current pet hens and education. I want to major in wildlife biology. If anyone has any tips on how to connect with a chicken keeping community in college, that would be helpful!

Art instagram:
Main instagram: @chickens.n.stuff
Southern U.S
Why do you want to join our community?
Continue to grow as a chicken keeper by asking for and receiving advice from people more knowledgeable than I.


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    WOOT! Happy 3 year anniversary!
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    Time flies when you're having fun! Happy 2 year anniversary!
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