Recent content by andi_freeze

  1. andi_freeze

    Andi's Chicken Journal

    I looked into it more, and I suspect that she is heterozygous for e^b (brown)/E^R (birchen) As 3 day chicks all of the barnies looked e^b... Birchen chicks don't have the cute little stripes :) However dark body, base colored neck is a big birchen trait, and when it is heterozygous you can get...
  2. andi_freeze

    Andi's Chicken Journal

    Going on six weeks now - I put their kennel outside full time a couple of days ago, and that seems to be going alright. Their combs are all pretty pale, which is maybe a bit concerning? I've been making sure they have access to water all of the time but I might put in another waterer in case it...
  3. andi_freeze

    Andi's Chicken Journal

    At 4 weeks, and they are getting so big! I've been noticing it for the last couple of weeks, but one of my barnevelders is a bit different from the other two - she's got much darker feathers, way less striping on each feather. I wonder what that says about their final patterns? I had assumed...
  4. andi_freeze

    Question of the Day - Saturday, March 23rd, 2024

    Lately I get the sides shaved all the way down every couple of months.... Keep the top and back somewhere between a 'high and tight' (ie also shaved down just sliiiightly less then the sides) and 'dramatically long', typically on a roughly 2 year cycle....
  5. andi_freeze

    Andi's Chicken Journal

    Over 2 weeks and I need to upgrade the coop size! I forgot how quickly chicks grow 😂 I have them in a kennel right now but they are definitely getting a bit cooped up. They've already started perching so I added dowels for them earlier then I expected to. I think it was just one of the...
  6. andi_freeze

    Chick color ?

    Hi - would you mind if I added your pics and any additional data to a document I'm compiling about chick down genetics?
  7. andi_freeze

    Andi's Chicken Journal

    1 week in and the chicks are doing great! So far I haven't lost any, except for the one that was sadly DOA. It's so impressive how fast they grow - they're already so much bigger then they were day 1! I might go and get some colored leg bands for them, all of my other chickens look really...
  8. andi_freeze

    Any Good Chick Coloration Genetics Resources?

    Thank you!! This is super helpful, and yea I think it would be great to have corresponding adult pics :)
  9. andi_freeze

    Any Good Chick Coloration Genetics Resources?

    Yea that would be great! Here, I've made a Google doc to collect reference pics and info --
  10. andi_freeze

    Any Good Chick Coloration Genetics Resources?

    Yes that's exactly what I am looking for! And yea I've had the same problems - the very small handful of sources I can find that talk about it at all either only have b+w reference pictures, or exclusively talk about sex determining characteristics.... I guess I can personally work on compiling...
  11. andi_freeze

    Any Good Chick Coloration Genetics Resources?

    Hi! I feel like I've read a lot about adult chicken color genetics, and I've found some really solid resources for learning more about that. But I have found it really hard to find anything about what genes(/gene complexes) have what sorts of effects on chick colors/markings! I know that adult...
  12. andi_freeze

    Andi's Chicken Journal

    If I understand the genetics right, to get the feather pattern I'm after I need: e^b/e^b, Pg/Pg, Ml/Ml, and NOT Co/Co -- which is to say, I need the 'brown' base on the e locus, the 'pattern gene' so the feathers will have markings in the first place, one of a handful of possible melanizing...
  13. andi_freeze

    Andi's Chicken Journal

    Hello! I'm Andi, this is my third year keeping chickens, and today I just got the chicks for my first breeding project :) The first time I got chicks (my current flock) I went to a local chicken keeper and just got a variety -- no real focus. But since then I have dug deeper into chicken...
  14. andi_freeze

    Hi, I'm Andi!

    Yup! I picked our dogs' names, and my spouse picked the 'Sci-Fi Vehicles' theme for our chickens :D
  15. andi_freeze

    Hi, I'm Andi!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens for 2.5 years now - in august of 2021 I got my first chicks from a local breeder, and raised them inside through the winter, then the following spring we got a few more girls from a local farm to balance out the...
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