Recent content by AnneHealy

  1. AnneHealy

    Easter egger, I suppose

    I bought some Easter Eggers from Tractor Supply about a year ago. We decided to incubate and hatch our own. The mama hens are all just brown. The daddy rooster is kind of white with teal tail feathers. However, after hatching many chicks over the past year with all of them being brown, we...
  2. AnneHealy

    Eggs Disappearing

    We wanted to see what would happen if we left eggs in the coop. The first set of eggs we left in there we had drawn black circles with indelible ink to differentiate from newly laid eggs. The tall disappeared but one. I kind of thought maybe we accidentally picked them up with fresh eggs. When...
  3. AnneHealy

    What breed is this?

    Not too small, but smaller than my Easter Egger rooster.
  4. AnneHealy

    What breed is this?

    From a lady who gave us eggs to incubate. She doesn't know either.
  5. AnneHealy

    What breed is this?

    and thank you!
  6. AnneHealy

    Tips to keep hens cool in extreme heat

    We put a swamp cooler in our coop. The chickens love it. Keeps it 10 degrees cooler.
  7. AnneHealy

    Arizona Chickens

    I have Easter Eggers. Supposedly they do well in the heat. They are about 2 months old now.
  8. AnneHealy

    It's Full on Summer...Tips to Help in the Heat!

    We put a swamp cooler in our coop.
  9. AnneHealy

    Arizona Heat Issue

    We are in Yuma County. We put a swamp cooler in the coop. The chickens love it.
  10. AnneHealy

    Arizona Chickens

    We are in Yuma County. We put a swamp cooler in our coop. It keeps the coop 10 degrees cooler than outdoor Temps. The chicks love it.
  11. AnneHealy

    Hens or roosters?

    Well, anyone want a rooster?? And thanks everyone!
  12. AnneHealy

    Hens or roosters?

    They are about a month old. A lady in the neighborhood gave us a few eggs to incubate. I showed her the chicks when they were a few days old. She said the light colored one was an Americuana (sp?) But she didn't know what the dark colored one was.
  13. AnneHealy

    Hens or roosters?

    Hi folks. Any way of telling if these are boys or girls yet?
  14. AnneHealy

    My Chicken Coop - Feedback Appreciated

    I have covered the pallets with plywood and placed hardware cloth over what would have been windows that were only covered with plastic netting. I'll be posting updated pictures soon.
  15. AnneHealy

    My Chicken Coop - Feedback Appreciated

    Okay, got it. We've got a trip to Home Depot planned for tomorrow morning. Will get hardware cloth to attach to the outside of the coop at the top. And yes, good idea to spray the pallet wood with something that preserves it. I guess I will only apply a preservative to the outside.
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