Recent content by Aunt Tat

  1. Aunt Tat

    Introducing Newbies

    Greetings all! It's been an eventful year. One of original girls had some kind of over dose of calcium that caused problems near her ovary and pooping. We got her into the vet just in time. To the tune of $500. 2 wks later, she'd been killed by a racoon. Her buddy, a broody Barnevelder called...
  2. Aunt Tat

    Question for Easter Egger Owners

    Now, I DO have another question regarding introduction and the flocks re-shuffling of the pecking order. We started with 4 hens. One got killed by a racoon this winter. Her friend, Rosie the Barnevelder has been marginalized since then. Belle (who died) was the chick we got with her and she was...
  3. Aunt Tat

    Question for Easter Egger Owners

    I appreciate this information. We're expecting our 1st Easter Egger in a couple of weeks, We have a Dominque, Barnevelder and Novogen and will be getting another Dominque & Novagen along with a Wellsummer. I don't mind that the EE will "hit and miss" because I realized I'd be getting 49 eggs a...
  4. Aunt Tat

    kit options for chicken run?

    We have the exact same coop/run (in the process of painting it) I'm STILL trying to figure out if I can duck into the door through the kennel. We also got an extended run (3'x8'x4') but have to figure out how to attach it to the Farmhouse Coop. We're thinking of doing a PVC/Wire portable run...
  5. Aunt Tat

    Resort Run Addition to Farmhouse Coop

    I'm wondering if anyone has bought a coop and Resort Run (separately) and know what modifications are needed to attach it to the run for the coop. We bought a Farmhouse Coop from Urban Northern Coops We also purchased a "Resort Run"...
  6. Aunt Tat

    No Chickens due to HUGE Rat infestation

    Reality has slapped us upside the head. Our brand new dishwasher was destroyed by rats that have camped out under our house. We have neighbors with chickens and have come to the conclusion that it's not in our best interest to continue planning for chickens. It's sad. Several times this...
  7. Aunt Tat

    Looking for opinions on these runs

    What rain???? LOL But in any event, you're right about the roof
  8. Aunt Tat

    Looking for opinions on these runs

    We're considering this type of run, with a large Over EZ coop placed inside. Mainly for the cost. We're in the Portland Oregon area and preds would be from the sky. We do have rats in the area but we're working on that, also, since neighbors have filled in their pond, no possums or raccoons. We...
  9. Aunt Tat

    Hinged roost bars

    Old timers sure knew a thing or two didn't they! Thanks so much for sharing!
  10. Aunt Tat

    Greetings. I'm drooling over your coop and would like to convert our patio/pergola to a...

    Greetings. I'm drooling over your coop and would like to convert our patio/pergola to a coop/run. It's 12'x8'9" so it should be adequate for 4 feathered fannies. Don't think we can spring for cedar though ;) I LOVE the ventilation, too! I'm curious about the inverted ramp. Is that to keep the...
  11. Aunt Tat

    Barn lean-to coop build

    I thought that was a very original design...looks just right!
  12. Aunt Tat

    Finished, mostly! Whew.

    She looks like she's ready for her premiere as Odette in Swan Lake
  13. Aunt Tat

    Finished, mostly! Whew.

    According to the Mfg of the Over EZ coop, the windows and small holes provide adequate ventilation for summer heat and for winter so there's enough air flow to prevent chicken toes & combs from getting frost bite. But my instinct says to add more ventilation.
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