Recent content by BellLisamo

  1. BellLisamo

    Emu eggs started March 6th - Hatch-Along

    So my lovely female emu gave me 4 eggs and I decided to hatch them! I read someplace that if the male and female aren't breeding that means no eggs (?)... so I took them and though I would try my luck! This will be the longest hatch of my life. LOL. I also threw some chicken eggs in for an...
  2. BellLisamo

    New pair of emus. Question about male...

    Hahahha yes I must look good to him. Lol they weren't brought up as a pair. They are young! Ill post a pic soon
  3. BellLisamo

    New pair of emus. Question about male...

    So I finally got my pair of emus. Apparently the male was a pet at some time from what I was told when he was dropped off. He also has a band on his leg. Anywho... Recently when I go into the pen, he will walk straight towards me, tuck his chin to his chest and just keep walking to me... As a...
  4. Freezer Bator

    Freezer Bator

    Freezer-Bator Heres the beginning of the freezer-bator, in the top it has 2 computer fans, a heating element out of an old incubator my m.i.l. had. In the back is a thermostat. We added a shelf to hold the fans and to block direct heat on the eggs. All those wires were tucked away, this was...
  5. BellLisamo

    Orpington Buff Orpington

    Orpington Buff Orpington Created by BellLisamo Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed: My buff orpington rooster is the most gentle chicken i have ever had. He follows me around the yard, and greets me every morning by stepping on my toes. He is so sweet & a great protecter...
  6. BellLisamo

    Polish Bearded Beardless Black White Golden Silver Buff Laced

    Polish Bearded & Beardless; Black, White, Golden, Silver, Buff Laced Created by BellLisamo Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed: I absolutely love my polish chickens, they are eye candy to me. My polish tend to be more flighty than all my other chickens, but i do know many...
  7. Breeds


  8. BellLisamo

    hi from Tennessee

    Welcome!!! Youll find alot of things you wouldnt expect here! LOL. We are poultry lovers!
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