Recent content by BerthaBoo

  1. BerthaBoo

    Which cockerel would you keep?

    Curious what you would aim for a varied egg basket?
  2. BerthaBoo

    Which cockerel would you keep?

    Thank you for your perspective! Temperament is important too. The Marans mixes are Marans, the roo was a BCM, and the hens are either BCM or Chocolate Marans. So still marans, just not pure chocolate, and cant say for certain pure BCM since I can't be certain which egg came from which hen...
  3. BerthaBoo

    Which cockerel would you keep?

    Hi everyone! I have two separate broods of chicks growing right now. One set is 2 weeks old and with a momma hen, the other batch is 8 weeks old and was just weaned. All are with the main flock since I hate integrating birds. The older chicks are all marans mixes (BCM and chocolate marans) and...
  4. BerthaBoo

    Should poultry be raised in cities, county communities or near any of these?

    I'm curious as to how you foresee 4 hens in most folks backyards worse than dogs/cats/stray animal issues (eg, rabbits, coyotes, other birds)? Or maybe I am misunderstanding you?
  5. BerthaBoo

    Should poultry be raised in cities, county communities or near any of these?

    I know I'm picking at just one point to your overall comment - but in my neck of the woods I believe our average folks are regulated more than commercial poultry businesses. While I don't live urban, all the nearby cities have started to instill urban hen policies. These policies are strict...
  6. BerthaBoo

    Question of the Day - Sunday, March 24th, 2024

    poultry, gardening, and reading!
  7. BerthaBoo

    Should poultry be raised in cities, county communities or near any of these?

    I think as long as you're considering how much space each chicken needs in the coop/run, you're keeping your flock respective to the space you have available, and you're ethically caring for them, then it shouldn't matter where you live.
  8. BerthaBoo

    Breed ideas for these chicks? Wyandotte, Marans, Welsummer, and Ameraucana mixes

    Thank you! The first one does appear to have a bit of a different comb than 4 and 5, so you may be right! I know it's hard to tell in the photo, and because they're so young and tiny. 6 is the only one I know came from the only blue egg in the clutch. I asked the farmer and she said her...
  9. BerthaBoo

    Breed ideas for these chicks? Wyandotte, Marans, Welsummer, and Ameraucana mixes

    Hi everyone! Okay so I know it’s impossible to pinpoint this batch of chicks’ specific breeds, but I’m curious if y’all have any ideas of parent breeds, potential feathering patterns, or what breeds might be the most prominent based on what the chick looks like right now. Obviously just for fun...
  10. BerthaBoo

    Please Help - Super weak baby chick!

    Update for everyone interested! After a day of vitamins and holding the propping the chick up in our hands so it had to somewhat stand, it was wobbly but able to walk by the next day. We put it back in with momma and moved her and her whole brood to a small brooder pen in the garage for the...
  11. BerthaBoo

    Ah thank you! That was Bertha, a Svarthona/Mosaic cross. She passed last fall unfortunately, but...

    Ah thank you! That was Bertha, a Svarthona/Mosaic cross. She passed last fall unfortunately, but really lit up our days for the time she was around ❤️
  12. BerthaBoo

    Please Help - Super weak baby chick!

    Okay, thank you! Seems to be doing better every hour, it still ends up flipping over backwards pretty often though.
  13. BerthaBoo

    Please Help - Super weak baby chick!

    I don’t think it’s the feet, it’s almost like it doesn’t have the strength to stand for longer than a few seconds, so it’s super wobbly. When it does stand it’s feet and toes are straight. If it can build up a little more strength I’d like to put it back with mamma and have them on a diet like...
  14. BerthaBoo

    Please Help - Super weak baby chick!

    Thank you! I've been feeding it water with poul-vite (I think it's similar to nutridrench?) via qtip - It's going for the food but so uncoordinated it's a struggle. The egg yolk idea is smart, I'll have to try that.
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