Recent content by bjdewell

  1. bjdewell

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    OMG! Wreck the neighborhood? You sound like me, I hate to make issues, even if I did nothing. But in this case... I took my dog to the dog park and there were some dogs harassing him, he's deaf and at the time he was still a pup. I went home and did some research on this, how to handle...
  2. bjdewell

    Is bare concrete with faux grass okay to use as the floor of a hen house?

    The coop is small, but it has a secure door that opens into the cloth wired surrounding area that is below the coop. I can leave that sliding door partway open, or completely open, which is what I do in the summer. They wake up and go into the lower area to eat and drink, and when I'm up...
  3. bjdewell

    Is bare concrete with faux grass okay to use as the floor of a hen house?

    I'm putting concrete down where I will place my hens' coop. They are outside free-ranging from dawn to dusk, and only go into their small coop to eat, drink, munch on egg shells and grit, and then go out again. At dusk they come in and eat/drink and I throw in some grubs for a treat and shut...
  4. bjdewell

    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    My 4 hens use their coop only to sleep, and I clean out the poop under the roost bar every morning, then take a scoop and paint scraper and walk around the yard three or so times each day to remove the poop from their free ranging. I'll never get it all, my yard is very rocky, and half of it is...
  5. bjdewell

    Comment by 'bjdewell' in article 'My small coop from Tractor Supply'

    Absolutely fantastically! Better than I expected, although it did look very strong structurally when purchased. We still use it the same way we did when I took the photos. The four hens are out all day roaming around my yard, and they come back to the "home base" from time to time for food or...
  6. bjdewell

    Loud egg laying?

    Mine, too. Thank goodness it's not too often.
  7. bjdewell

    Question about free-rangeing

    I have four hens, Black Australorps, who are 18 months old now. As soon as they were able to be alone outside their little henhouse, I let them run. I have a fenced backyard and a 5-year-old Australian Cattle Dog/German Shepard who was imprinted on the checks from the day I got them at a few...
  8. bjdewell

    A visual - adult chickens in Producer’s Pride Sentinel Coop

    I have the same coop and I love it. But we have to get a coop that fits our lifestyle and that of our hens. I have four Australorps, which are big hens, and they have free range of my entire backyard, which is large and has lots of shade, grape vines, wonderful dust bath areas, and a hill to...
  9. bjdewell

    Eggshells as calcium additive

    All the shells from eggs I don't give away go back to the hens. In their coop, they have food and water, and three small bowls that hang on the fencing containing grit, eggshells, and oyster shells. They always go for the eggshell bowl first, and empty it pretty quickly.
  10. bjdewell

    Important for anyone who loves their chooks

    I am so happy your hen made it through. I was really dehydrated once and thought I was going through early dementia. The heat and lack of hydration definitely make us act differently. I have four hens and it's been up to 116 yesterday here in the high desert, we've had temps in the 100's for...
  11. bjdewell

    Review by 'bjdewell' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    This is a great post to save. My hens have laid a few of this kind of egg, not on a regular basis, just once in a while. This post will be great to look up any issues their eggs might have so I'll know what to do. :) Thank you!
  12. bjdewell

    Free ranging chickens! Q and A ( my experience)

    Can you make cover? If you can find or buy cheap pallets, ladders, something like that and lean them against a fence or wall? Three or four pieces of old lumber, secure to the ground and lean them against something? Maybe put shade cloth over them when it's hot? I've been thinking of doing...
  13. bjdewell

    Can't get rid mites and lice

    Yes, that's where I got my Elector PSP from, too. It arrived quickly.
  14. bjdewell

    Can't get rid mites and lice

    I decided to purchase itElector PSP, after a lot of research, even though it's super costly. But now I have enough for me and all my neighbors, and maybe even for all the people in my town! And it worked! I'll never have to worry again; if they get mites, I'll be ready immediately to treat...
  15. bjdewell

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    Me, too. Even a bit before roost time. That's when the hens and my dog all get treats, then 1/2 hour later, it's bedtime, and they are all settled for the night. I really would rather be home with them, than out with people, so it works out great! 😁
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