Recent content by britinpa

  1. britinpa

    Last year's Flock Block - Keep or Throw Away?

    It's still in the garage. I'm thinking of chiselling off the outside today and tossing that, then putting out the middle part into their run. It's so cold out here (10F this morning), so I wanted to give them something to occupy them.
  2. britinpa

    Last year's Flock Block - Keep or Throw Away?

    I bought a large flock block for my chickens last year and they just about ate the outside layer. There is a huge chunk that I have kept in my garage covered with a bag. Would it be okay for them this year or would you throw it in the trash.
  3. britinpa

    Neighbor's chickens

    We really don't want to create a bad situation, but I just don't understand people though that do this. If ours were free ranged and we knew they were being a nuisance to the neighbors we would do something about it.
  4. britinpa

    Neighbor's chickens

    We have been polite, as it's really not worth creating a hostile situation. My husband did let him know we're not happy with them coming around our house. He also warned him that they may start disappearing because of predators. They are the brightest white chickens, so not much camouflage...
  5. britinpa

    Neighbor's chickens

    Lol, we do, and we've joked about that for a while now.
  6. britinpa

    Neighbor's chickens

    My husband was a bit miffed when he found the eggs - but once I said we'd keep the box in there and keep the eggs for ourselves, he seemed to come around. Our chickens are slowing down at the moment what with molting and the shorter days - we're getting 1 or 2 a day from our 8 hens at the...
  7. britinpa

    Neighbor's chickens

    We have had chickens for around a year and half now, they have always been in a run (not free ranged). Our neighbor got chickens this summer (a rooster and around 8 pullets). Since he has had them they come spend a portion of the day on our property/land. My husband stopped by the neighbors...
  8. britinpa

    My husband did a grand job.

    Well our hen pecked Penny spent her morning in the coop while my husband added an enclosed area within the run. I guess when it's served it's purpose we will just remove the door and it will just be a separate room. He had to remove a long roost bar to create it, but they have other perches to...
  9. britinpa

    Is my hen being pecked - or is it just malting?

    I started to wonder whether another of the hens had mounted her and caused the initial damage, as the bald patches are in the same spot on both wings and now they are all wanting to pick her. She has some feather loss on the front of her neck too (which I'm thinking is just her molting).
  10. britinpa

    Is my hen being pecked - or is it just malting?

    Well, she ran after me out of the run this morning like her life depended on it. They were all trying to get at her and she's not happy. She's inside the coop on her own with some food and water this morning until we create a section for her in the run. I will probably put her in the coop...
  11. britinpa

    Is my hen being pecked - or is it just malting?

    This just seems extreme to me and I didn't notice it this morning. She has 2 bald patches in the same spot on both wings, possibly a little spotting of blood. She seemed bothered by one particular side and was picking at it. I am noticing more feathers lying around, so assuming they are all...
  12. britinpa

    Update: Sour Crop - Now think it's a stuck Egg

    I don't think he meant it to help with this issue now. He kept chickens himself and used to grind up the oyster shell and put it into their food - and what he was saying is he never had this problem with his own hens. I'll skip the bath then for today. She sat in the nest box for a short...
  13. britinpa

    Update: Sour Crop - Now think it's a stuck Egg

    They have Dumor layer feed. And they have oyster shells and grit close by in separate bowls. A neighbor suggested to me today to maybe grind up the oyster shells finer and add to their food. They get some weeds thrown in - chickweed, and dandelion mostly. They had some watermelons rinds to...
  14. britinpa

    Update: Sour Crop - Now think it's a stuck Egg

    Thanks guys. The sack is dried out now but I have just taken this picture of it. I have some caltrate tablets, but because her crop wasn't empty this morning I wasn't sure whether to give her any (my husband noticed her bring up a small amount of liquid this morning as well. So I should go...
  15. britinpa

    Comment by 'britinpa' in media '20210613_135035.jpg'

    That's awesome! It feels good to get them chicks out there with all that space. Looks great.
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