Recent content by CarolynF

  1. CarolynF

    Swollen Abdomen

    Eggcessive, thank you for sharing your knowledge! I read many of the posts on the thread you linked. Now I'm wondering about my own hen, 3 years old. Her abdomen has gotten more squishy in the past week so I don't think it's due to egg binding. From what I've read I believe being egg bound is...
  2. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    WELCOME to all the new folks. I haven't been around for quite a while. I see there are a few in the West Sound.... Nice!
  3. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I have a question for the experienced crowd. I have a Barnie hen that was broody for about 10 days and I gave her 2 chicks. It took her a day or so to realize she needn't be broody anymore! But now she's doing all the Mom things .... except eating! If I toss grain or BOSS or fruit/veggies on...
  4. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Gee, I thought it was a bit early for that. Darn.
  5. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hi, just a word to the wise on using gravity fed pipes for water. They get bio-film inside which is really nasty and unhealthy. They need to be cleaned inside on a regular basis, so use pipes that are large enough diameter that you can use a long, long brush inside to scrub. And of course an...
  6. CarolynF

    Bamboo leaves as food....

    It’s a big part of Korean Natural Farming, but the information in this thread is even more informational in regard to nutrition.
  7. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hi and welcome. I like your themed names. :-) I'm in Kitsap
  8. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Here's a guy you might want to contact, he's near Spokane. Nice guy. Maybe he knows some runner duck breeders on the east side. @flyingmonkeypoop
  9. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Well it's been a challenging couple of weeks around here. DH had heart surgery with no time to prepare, moved mom to memory care, brother had surgery, so no help from the men folk doing any of the moving. Mom passed on Sat., that was hard. I haven't had the experience of sitting a vigil...
  10. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hi, welcome. We'd love to know more, tell us about your flock.
  11. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Welcome! Glad you're here!
  12. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    A "tiny bit" is just about right! OMG! I lived in Ephrata in the 60s. We had sand in our hair and teeth 99% of the time from all the blowing! And since we weren't allowed to wear pants to school, our legs got sandblasted on a pretty regular basis! I remember fences between Ephrata and Moses...
  13. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    In hot weather, or a spot that's hot, their underside doesn't cool off as quickly. I'm dealing with that right now. Luckily tomorrow won't be as hot. This girl took 10 days last time, about 2 months ago. She's tenacious!
  14. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I'm curious about the high protein %. Obviously you know what your flock needs, but It seems higher pretty high. Is that ever a concern to you, as in overtaxing their organs? I seem to recall claims to that effect some time back but can't recall specifics. What brown layers do you have...
  15. CarolynF

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Not a darn thing you can do about it. Just get a broody buster going. I had one that needed a full week (or was it more?) and the other took just 3-4 days. I use a wire dog kennel. Or you can try taking them for a ride in the car for about an hour or so, in a box or carrier. That seems to...
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