Recent content by Cat Ballou

  1. Cat Ballou

    Sudden Loss of Balance and Head Bobbing Hen

    I didn’t provide either of those. I linked a high-end premium herbal supplement that has garlic as the first ingredient and that’s more than what you provided. I’ve always fed garlic to my chickens and they are thriving & super-healthy. Are you going to furnish any evidence to your claims or...
  2. Cat Ballou

    Sudden Loss of Balance and Head Bobbing Hen

    That’s bullshit Vera’s symptoms are neurological. Her diet might be heavy on treats but otherwise fine. Was she vaccinated for Merek’s?
  3. Cat Ballou

    Top 5 questions for local chick breeders

    Also, maybe it’s a minority of chicken keepers to have quarantine areas set up, but for keepers running breeding & hatching operations I would expect they have that infrastructure. And for keepers adding to their existing flock they need that as well.
  4. Cat Ballou

    Top 5 questions for local chick breeders

    I’d say it’s totally the breeder’s prerogative. No-one can rightfully make risk-based assessments and decisions for others. But dogs and cats being free of communicable diseases is based on what...
  5. Cat Ballou

    Prolapsed vent - chicken screaming

    Epsom salts do much more that soothe inflamed tissue. Mere warm or hot water can do that! The magnesium and sulphates are absorbed through the skin, benefiting hundreds of physiological processes.
  6. Cat Ballou

    Top 5 questions for local chick breeders

    Why is it bad to accept returned chickens? With dogs and cats it’s a good sign should the pet adoption not work out.
  7. Cat Ballou

    My first $3000 egg !

    Congrats! I just got my first egg on Sunday. I know who mine is! She’d been making noises like she’s having contractions :pop
  8. Cat Ballou


    I found American-made fermenting crocks and bought the 1-gallon size. There’s a matching ceramic top keeps anything from getting in the ferment. I’m feeding Scratch & Peck mash and most days I add 5 scoops and (2) 16-oz bottles of water, stir, and let sit about 24 hours.
  9. Cat Ballou

    Hot weather Coop design - Is this enough ventilation?

    Sounds like you got things figured out but I was just going to add that if the roof absorbs heat all day and radiates it through the night, you could build another roof above it to block the sun. Leave 6”-12” open on all sides for dissipation of the heat. I live in a van and have to deal with...
  10. Cat Ballou

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    I’ve been told the Welsummer/EE has crested cream legbar. I think he’s an olive egger. I don’t think he has any Ameraucana or Aracana stock unless it’s through CCL. Do CCLs have peacombs? My dominant roo is huge - comb & all.
  11. Cat Ballou

    Today I lost my Rooster

    I’m so sorry. What did he die from?
  12. Cat Ballou

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Welsummer EE x BCM EE What should I expect?
  13. Cat Ballou

    Working Full Time and Baby Chicks - Doable?

    Any grocery store will have a giant melon box. If you’re near any furniture stores Lazy Boy chair boxes are the same size. That’s what I used. Also I prefer small animal water bottles for always clean water. Figure out where the brackets & nozzle align, then use a pointy scissor to to make...
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