Recent content by cgmccary

  1. cgmccary

    When do you harvest your heritage turkeys?

    Usually 6–12 months with 7 months my average.
  2. cgmccary

    Can chicks eat turkey starter?

    yes! I have raised chickens and turkeys together for years and all get turkey starter. The fact is the chicks grow better on it. Poults must have turkey starter.
  3. cgmccary

    Opinions on Blackhead?

    I raise turkeys and chickens together. I also have blackhead on the property. I keep young turkeys on oregano oil with piperine in their water until they are 10-12 weeks old. It works great as a blackhead preventative. I learned the trick from Peter Brown years ago aka the Chicken Doctor. I...
  4. cgmccary

    Best Books About Raising Turkeys?

    Storey’s Guide is one yes, written by my close friend, Don Schrider and I recommend an older book, “Turkey Management” by Stanley Marsden. Also, two great manuals published by the Livestock Conservancy, “Selecting Your Best Turkeys for Breeding” and “How to Raise Heritage Turkeys on Pasture,” I...
  5. cgmccary

    Coping with Blackhead

    You took them to a lab and had that confirmed? What lab? Show me the report. You know what kills most poults in first four weeks? It is not blackhead and not coccidiosis. Blackhead in the first month is quite rare.
  6. cgmccary

    Coping with Blackhead

    Corid is a thiamine (vitamin B1) blocker and is used only to prevent or treat coccidiosis. It does nothing for worms, and it does nothing for blackhead. Should you use Corid in case of what exactly?
  7. cgmccary

    Coping with Blackhead

    They can actually have worms out of the egg, 1 day old, but it is roundworms that are on eggshell itself. Chicks, poults and everything on wire in brooders in my basement I use wazine at 4 weeks old but worm JUST ONCE at the early age. I should have been more specific and said the worm (cecal...
  8. cgmccary

    Coping with Blackhead

    Poults hatched on May 5 should not be on Safeguard, nor any wormer. It could kill them. They also should not have blackhead already. The medication, Metronidazole, will kill poults that age. Corid does not prevent blackhead and it is not a wormer. It is a thiamine blocker that acts to starve...
  9. cgmccary

    Black Spanish turkeys?

    Yes I exhibit Black Turkeys so I know what the APA calls them. In fact, I won the Turkey Extravaganza this past November with one of my Blacks and the third year in a row I won champion turkey at Ohio National with a Black cock. I maintain three separate Black lines. The exact variety is also...
  10. cgmccary

    Jenny or Jake?

    Two Jennys and a Jake
  11. cgmccary

    Breeding (mostly) self-sufficient chickens

    Everything wants to eat a chicken. I use three Great Pyrenees dogs as livestock guardians. I live in a national forest and would get wiped out if I did not have the dogs and it wouldn't matter what kind of chickens I kept. The Pyrenees make what I have possible.
  12. cgmccary

    What to feed my new 3 yr old Tom ?

    Oh I have other toms with 10-15 hens. I keep three lines of Blacks and my breeding pens can vary from a specific pairing to one tom with 15 hens. I decide what I am breeding to what each year. This is not a difference of opinion but a difference in what we are trying to accomplish in breeding. I...
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