Recent content by CGSpringWillow

  1. CGSpringWillow

    Welp Hatchery

    I would like to know this as well. I too have showed my birds from McMurray and they did great at the fair, but I'm looking for a different selection this year.
  2. CGSpringWillow

    Welp Hatchery?

    Does anyone know the quality of chicks from Welp? I am looking for birds to show at the fair, so I want them to be as close to standard as possible.
  3. CGSpringWillow

    Questions about Welp Hatchery

    How are the quality of the chicks at Welp? I've always ordered from either Cackle or Mcmurray, but Welp has Russian Orloffs (which I am extremely interested in). I'm going to be showing my birds, so I want them to be up to standard. Thanks
  4. CGSpringWillow

    Russian Orloffs

    I'd be happy to work something out 2nd generation! The problem now is finding my chickens. :barnie I found out that Stromberg's and Welp both have Orloffs, but I'm a bit scared of buying them from a hatchery. I've heard lots of bad stories about that. It's nice to know somebody is in the same...
  5. CGSpringWillow

    Russian Orloff Chicks?

    Hello I stumbled across the Russian Orloff breed in one of my chicken magazines and fell in love. I have been searching desperately for them, but can only find them at IDEAL, which I really don't want to get them from there. I was hoping to get some to show as a 4H project and end up using them...
  6. CGSpringWillow

    Russian Orloffs

    Does anyone know where I can find some good quality Orloff chicks? I've looked everywhere! I'm so desperate!;)
  7. CGSpringWillow


    Hello, I stumbled across the Russian Orloff breed in one of my chicken magazines and fell in love. I have been searching desperately for them, but can only find them at IDEAL, which I really don't want to get them from there. I was hoping to get some to show as a 4H project and end up using...
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