Recent content by Cheyman_coldman

  1. C

    Premature hatch

    Hi so I have a chick that was in the process of hatching but mom abandoned it and the rest of the unhatched eggs. Well it made absolutely no progress in 24 hrs and I noticed maggots all over the poor thing in its shell. The membrane was all dried out and I didn’t know what to do. I helped it...
  2. C

    Abandoned eggs?

    Hi, I have a hen that’s been hatching out some eggs, there are 9 total and all from different hens. She hatched out 4 so far. One chick a day it seems. It’s been a week now since the last hatched and I have one in the process that I had to bring inside because the flies kept landing on it. But...
  3. C

    Possible mareks

    I wasn’t able to get one done, the only place I can afford at the moment won’t take a bird that’s been frozen and one that’s older then 3 days and that place is almost 3 hrs away and I’m going pass that place on Friday so it’s too late 😔
  4. C

    Possible mareks

    They get normal chicken feed and free range during the day. But I’ve been feeding my chickens the same thing for years and nothing in their environment has changed and it’s only this batch of chickens that seem to have problems.
  5. C

    Possible mareks

    Okay well I pulled yellow mucus out of her mouth and a few minutes later she freaked out and then passed away.
  6. C

    Possible mareks

    This is her she is still alive?!?! She is so weak, I didn’t feel any eggs near the area to be egg bound. I can put her in any position I want but if I set her on her side or back she will do like a freak out
  7. C

    Possible mareks

    I haven’t seen them hunch over like that or have bloody poop. Do these labs charge since it’s a school?
  8. C

    Possible mareks

    So I’m on my 3rd sick bird since July they all came from tractor supply and are all the same breed. The first one started out very lethargic wouldn’t eat or drink seemed like its legs didn’t work poop was liquid green. Then it died. Lasted maybe 3 days. Second bird same thing I tried to nurse it...
  9. C

    Long story but trying to help :/

    Okay a little bit of a longish story. We had some neighbors that had free range guinea fowl, neighbors passed away and birds were abandoned to roam free. Slowing the flock started to dwindle until there were only 3 left and they migrated into my flock of chickens during the day. 2 ended up...
  10. C

    Possible Mareks??

    What brand of vitamins do you recommend?
  11. C

    Possible Mareks??

    Okay this was the only way I could figure out how to add a video
  12. C

    Possible Mareks??

    Hi I had a chicken that got sick at the end of October she was weak, hardly moving, would let me pick her up when she wasn’t a tamed bird kept stumbling and just wouldn’t really move, would only eat if I had fed. She seemed to be suffering and not getting better so I felt it necessary to “take...
  13. C

    Possible Mareks??

    Hi I had a chicken that got sick at the end of October she was weak, hardly moving, would let me pick her up when she wasn’t a tamed bird kept stumbling and just wouldn’t really move, would only eat if I had fed. She seemed to be suffering and not getting better so I felt it necessary to “take...
  14. C

    2 month old duck with possible splayed legs

    I do and feed the brewers yeast and peas
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