Recent content by Chicken Cowgirl <3

  1. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Sign of hens about to lay?

    K I will give it a month Thanks
  2. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Sign of hens about to lay?

    We have 5 Easter eggers and 3 Wyandotte's , we got our chickens on 2/28 they were a few days old ,we just got our first egg 7/4 our Easter Egger laid a pretty green egg... then we had a few days with out an egg...then yesterday I had a wyandotte and EE egg.. I had one lay the egg in the...
  3. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Rehoming goats

    Do you have any rescue groups in the area close to you? that could be an option..
  4. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    What bedding should I choose?

    I live in the pacific north west, Washington state where it likes to rain alot , I have been reading about sand coop floors.But, I dont think that would work for us, because of the constant wet weather does anyone have any sugestions? We are in the process of building our coop, I want to keep...
  5. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Aracana or Easter eggers

    I have to get a new photo of them they are still in the brooder, so its sorta hard to get a decent photo of them at the moment...
  6. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Aracana or Easter eggers

    Are you talking about the 3 brown chickens? I was sold 3 brown chickens sold as golden laced wyandottes... Makes me wonder, if mine are easter eggers as well
  7. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Worming chickens?

    I have a brand new flock. I’m new to chickens, but I have horses and dogs and cats I just want to make sure all are healthy worm free , I worm my horse twice a year spring and fall
  8. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Worming chickens?

    Hi, I'm a new chicken mama, I was just curious when do you start wormings chickens? and with what? I have 8 chicks that are about 4 weeks old they are on organic starter feed
  9. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Comment by 'Chicken Cowgirl <3' in article 'Buff Orpingtons Chicken Breed Information Pictures'

    Awe great article <3 buff Orpingtons seem to be a nice breed...
  10. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Comment by 'Chicken Cowgirl <3' in item 'Kuhl - Perfect Peepers NP Pin - 100pk - NPP1M-CC'

    Looks like it goes through the nose hole? poor bird :(
  11. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    ◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇

    I'm pretty new, I just started my pofile earlier this month , just trying to find my way around this sight.... I love BYC so far very informative for a first time chicken momma <3 I only Lurked for a couple days,until I decided to Join, I Can clearly say I have Chicken on the brain.... All I...
  12. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    ◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇

    hahha thats cool :)
  13. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    ◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇

    Why is my profile blown up?
  14. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    When do you let new chickens out side?

    So it will be ok to turn off the heat lamp while I’m at work? Or should I wait till this weekend when I can watch them? To make sure they aren’t cold I’m new to being a chicken momma:jumpy
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