ChickenClaw03's latest activity

  • ChickenClaw03
    ChickenClaw03 reacted to nuthatched's post in the thread Funny egg with Like Like.
    Why do you want her not to lay, what are you trying to treat? What is their diet?
  • ChickenClaw03
    ChickenClaw03 reacted to Loving my girls's post in the thread Funny egg with Like Like.
    Hi hun Im confused too, who recommended the implant to you ? And who diagnosed a problem with her poop ? Hugz
  • ChickenClaw03
    ChickenClaw03 replied to the thread Funny egg.
    Maybe this isn’t available in some countries? I’m in Australia and this is quite common implant that is given to chickens, along with...
  • ChickenClaw03
    ChickenClaw03 replied to the thread Funny egg.
    The implant is something that has been recommended to me by multiple local bird vets, which stops eggs from being produced. The only...
  • ChickenClaw03
    ChickenClaw03 replied to the thread Funny egg.
    She’s getting the implant to prevent her from laying. Had one for my other hen a year ago and she hasn’t been sick since. This hen is 3...
  • ChickenClaw03
    Hi, My hen Queenie the Barnevelder has been acting lethargic after laying a soft shell egg yesterday. I’m worried she hasn’t fully...
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